I'm a software engineer specializing in embedded systems and desktop applications using Qt/PySide2 and Godot.
Here are some of my projects:
VSCode Extensions:
- NiceGUI (repo) - Provides syntax highlighting and completions for the NiceGUI web framework
- godot-tools (repo) - The official extension for writing GDScript in VSCode
- Cog Highlighter (repo) - Provides syntax highlighting for Cog blocks in C/C++ code
- Cyberlang (repo) - Provides syntax highlighting for the Cyber programming language
My Games:
- SkyKnights Online - A multiplayer, competitive flight sim focused on unusual movement mechanics
- Isotope: ASH - A modern homage to the Megaman Battle Network Series
Godot plugins:
- Skein - A dialog manager with a focus on clean workflow and unrestrained power
- SelectionShortcuts - Editor workflow improvements you won't know how you lived without
- OmniLaunch - Launch multiple instances of your game and pass custom command line arguments to each one.
- Consulate - An ingame dropdown console with powerful REPL debugging features
Forked/Adopted Godot plugins:
- CommandPaletteRedux - A VSCode style command palette in Godot
- HyperLogRedux - An unreasonably effective visual diagnostics library
Qt/PySide2 Projects:
- Stagehand - A digital "third hand" automation tool, written in PySide2
- Octoprog - A GUI wrapper for various command-line PIC programmers, written in PySide2
- qtstrap (pypi link) - A Qt application bootstrapping framework
- Codex Engine (pypi link) - A universal translation framework for serial devices, implemented for PyQt/PySide2
- MonacoQt (pypi link) - Use the Monaco text editor in your Qt applications
Embedded Projects:
- Easy-XC8 - A streamlined and powerful XC8 toolchain
- K42-Peripheral-Libraries
- K42-System-Libraries
- K42-Project-Template
- JUDI - A general purpose serial protocol for interfacing between software and embedded systems.
- ArduinoJUDI - An Arduino-compatible implementation of the JUDI serial protocol