- A simple repo dedicated to keep track of my web development work with Flask, Jinja, Bootstrap and etc 🚀.
- Continued from this repo
- Set the environmental variable FLASK_APP to the name of flask file:
set FLASK_APP=something.py
(This command is for windows) - Run that flask app using the command
flask run
or withflask run * Serving Flask app 'C:\Users\Sampath Wijekoon\PycharmProjects\Web-Development-with-Python\my_first_flask.py' * Debug mode: off WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Running on Press CTRL+C to quit
in the python file
Day 68 🔒
- Learn Flask Authentication and build a application using that knowledge
Day 67 👨💻
- Upgrade Blog site to have RESTful routing
Day 66 💻
- Learned about RESTful APIs and made one
Day 65 📖
- Learned about Web Designing
Day 64 💻
- Created My Top 10 Movies Website
Day 63 📖👨💻
- Learned about SQLite, SQLAlchemy and how to do CRUD operations with them
- Created a super simple website called Virtual Library to practise my skills
Day 62 👨💻☕
- Created a website (Coffee & WiFi Project)
Day 61 📖
- Learned about WTForms, inheriting templates with Jinja and how to use Bootstrap-Flask
Day 60 👨💻
- Learned about HTML Forms and how to work them with Flask
- Got the HTML Form in Blog Website to work
Day 59 ⚒️👨💻
- Upgraded the blog from Day 57 using what I've learned so far
Day 58 💻
- Learnt about Bootstrap and practised using it
- Create a website named TinDog with Bootstrap (just the interface)
Day 57 🧑💻
- Learnt about Jinja
- Create a super simple blog website using Flask, Jinja, css and html
Day 56 🧑💻
- Learnt how to use .html and .css files with Flask
- Create a name card website
Day 55 📖
- Learnt about advanced decorators in Python
- Created a higher-lower game in website
Day 54 📖
- Learnt about some cmd commands, Python decorators and "@" syntax
- Ran my first Flask server