A tool to simplify cmake toolchain commands
Added features on top of cmake:
- Watch (auto rebuild after save)
- Templates (default templates to use)
Building with cmake for release x64:
cmake -S . -B build -A x64
cmake --build build --config Release
Versus, building with cmakeauto for release x64:
cmakeauto build -s .
cmakeauto help|build|configure|template -b <build path> -s <source path> [-g <Generator>] [-m <Mode>] [-a <Architecture>] [-ei <Extra Init Params>] [-eb <Extra Build Params>] [-w <Directories>] [-t <Template>]
help: print help message
build: build project
configure: configure project
template: create a template project
-b <build path>: (Default: build) This specifies where the project would be built.
-s <source path>: (Default: src) This specifies where the project source is.
-g <Generator Name>: (Optional) This specifies the generator to be used.
-m: (Default: release) This specifies the build mode to be Debug.
debug: Debug mode
release: Release mode
-a: (Default: x64) This specifies the architecture to be built.
x86: 32-bit
x64: 64-bit
-ei: (Optional) This specifies extra init params to be passed to cmake.
-eb: (Optional) This specifies extra build params to be passed to cmake.
-w: (Optional) This specifies the directories to be watched and will auto rebuild if a change was found.
-t: (Only for Template Action) This specifies the template to be used when creating a template project.
helloworlddriver (windows only)