A cocoapods plugin to work with Unit-Test
Just install it
gem install cocoapods-unit-test
or use Gemfile with bundle install
source 'https://rubygems.org/'
gem 'cocoapods', '>= 1.8.4'
gem 'xcpretty','~> 0.3.0'
gem 'cocoapods-unit-test','~ 1.0'
- add test_spec
- add dependency XcodeCoverage
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = 'TestExample'
s.subspec 'Core' do |c|
s.test_spec 'Tests' do |h|
h.source_files = 'TestExample/Tests/**/*.{h,m}'
h.dependency 'TestExample/Core'
h.dependency 'XcodeCoverage','>= 1.3.2'
h.frameworks = 'UIKit','Foundation'
- if you just test with develop pod, ignore the names parameter
- or use names if you have more than one pod to Test
## use names if you have more than one pod to Test
plugin 'cocoapods-unit-test',
:names => ["TestExample"]
target 'Example' do
pod 'XcodeCoverage', '>= 1.3.2'
pod 'TestExample',
:path => '../',
:testspecs => ["Tests"]
bundle exec pod install
- testing with cli with pod name
- simulator default is iPhone 8, you can change it
bundle exec pod test TestExample --simulator='iPhone 8'
- auto open result or you can check it
see []
if you like