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Christoph Heinen committed Apr 9, 2017
2 parents e584dbd + 65071e6 commit 16c6047
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Showing 3 changed files with 80 additions and 13 deletions.
89 changes: 78 additions & 11 deletions bullet/bullet.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,47 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=1]
[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=1]

[ext_resource path="res://bullet/bullet.png" type="Texture" id=1]

[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id=2]
[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id=1]

custom_solver_bias = 0.0
radius = 10.0

[sub_resource type="GDScript" id=1]
[sub_resource type="GDScript" id=2]

script/source = "#bullet\n\nextends RigidBody2D\n\n# Member variables\nvar disabled = false\n\n\nfunc disable():\n\tif (disabled):\n\t\treturn\n\t#get_node(\"anim\").play(\"shutdown\")\n\tdisabled = true\n\n\nfunc _ready():\n\tget_node(\"Timer\").start()\n"
script/source = "#bullet\n\nextends RigidBody2D\n\n# Member variables\nvar disabled = false\n\n\nfunc disable():\n\tif (disabled):\n\t\treturn\n\tget_node(\"bulletanim\").play(\"shutdown\")\n\tdisabled = true\n\n\nfunc _ready():\n\tget_node(\"Timer\").start()\n\n\nfunc _on_Timer_timeout():\n\tpass # replace with function body\n"

[sub_resource type="Animation" id=3]

resource/name = "shutdown"
length = 1.0
loop = false
step = 0.1
tracks/0/type = "value"
tracks/0/path = NodePath("Particles2D:config/emitting")
tracks/0/interp = 1
tracks/0/imported = false
tracks/0/keys = { "times":FloatArray( 0 ), "transitions":FloatArray( 1 ), "update":1, "values":[ true ] }
tracks/1/type = "value"
tracks/1/path = NodePath("Sprite:visibility/self_opacity")
tracks/1/interp = 1
tracks/1/imported = false
tracks/1/keys = { "times":FloatArray( 0, 0.7 ), "transitions":FloatArray( 1, 1 ), "update":0, "values":[ 1.0, 0.0 ] }
tracks/2/type = "method"
tracks/2/path = NodePath(".")
tracks/2/interp = 1
tracks/2/imported = false
tracks/2/keys = { "times":FloatArray( 0.9 ), "transitions":FloatArray( 1 ), "values":[ { "args":[ ], "method":"queue_free" } ] }

[sub_resource type="ColorRamp" id=4]

offsets = FloatArray( 0, 0.109453, 0.328358, 0.626866, 0.860696, 0.920398, 1 )
colors = ColorArray( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.996094, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.23524, 0.789062, 0.138702, 1, 0.283582, 0.283582, 0.283582, 1, 0.590618, 0.590618, 0.590618, 1, 0.110092, 0.181364, 0.761719, 1 )

[node name="bullet" type="RigidBody2D"]

input/pickable = false
shapes/0/shape = SubResource( 2 )
shapes/0/shape = SubResource( 1 )
shapes/0/transform = Matrix32( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 )
shapes/0/trigger = false
collision/layers = 1
Expand All @@ -34,23 +61,63 @@ velocity/linear = Vector2( 0, 0 )
velocity/angular = 0.0
damp_override/linear = -1.0
damp_override/angular = -1.0
script/script = SubResource( 1 )
script/script = SubResource( 2 )

[node name="Sprite" type="Sprite" parent="."]

texture = ExtResource( 1 )

[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]

shape = SubResource( 1 )
trigger = false
_update_shape_index = 0

[node name="bulletanim" type="AnimationPlayer" parent="."]

playback/process_mode = 1
playback/default_blend_time = 0.0
root/root = NodePath("..")
anims/shutdown = SubResource( 3 )
next/shutdown = ""
playback/active = true
playback/speed = 1.0
blend_times = [ ]
autoplay = ""

[node name="Particles2D" type="Particles2D" parent="."]

transform/pos = Vector2( 2, 2 )
config/amount = 25
config/lifetime = 1.0
params/direction = 1.0
params/spread = 200.0
params/linear_velocity = 100.0
params/spin_velocity = 10.0
params/orbit_velocity = 0.0
params/gravity_direction = 0.0
params/gravity_strength = 0.0
params/radial_accel = 0.0
params/tangential_accel = 0.0
params/damping = 0.0
params/initial_angle = 0.0
params/initial_size = 1.0
params/final_size = 1.0
params/hue_variation = 0.0
params/anim_speed_scale = 1.0
params/anim_initial_pos = 0.0
randomness/direction = 1.0
randomness/spread = 1.0
color/color = Color( 1, 0, 0, 1 )
color/color_ramp = SubResource( 4 )

[node name="Timer" type="Timer" parent="."]

process_mode = 1
wait_time = 1.0
one_shot = false
autostart = false

[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]

shape = SubResource( 2 )
trigger = false
_update_shape_index = 0
[connection signal="timeout" from="Timer" to="." method="disable"]

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion level1/level1.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ collision/bounce = 0.0
collision/layers = 1
collision/mask = 1
occluder/light_mask = 1
tile_data = IntArray( -589826, 3, -589825, 5, -524291, 3, -524290, 1, -524289, 1, -589824, 5, -458756, 3, -458755, 1, -458754, 1, -458753, 1, -524288, 1, -524287, 5, -524285, 3, -524284, 5, -393222, 0, -393221, 3, -393220, 1, -393219, 1, -393218, 1, -393217, 1, -458752, 1, -458751, 1, -458750, 1, -458749, 1, -458748, 6, -458747, 11, -458746, 11, -458745, 11, -458744, 11, -458743, 11, -458742, 11, -458741, 11, -458740, 11, -458739, 11, -458738, 11, -458737, 11, -458736, 11, -327687, 7, -327686, 7, -327685, 1, -327684, 1, -327683, 1, -327682, 1, -327681, 1, -393216, 1, -393215, 1, -393214, 1, -393213, 1, -393212, 1, -393211, 1, -393210, 1, -393209, 1, -393208, 5, -393207, 11, -393206, 11, -393205, 11, -393204, 11, -393203, 11, -393202, 11, -393201, 11, -393200, 11, -262152, 10, -262151, 1, -262150, 1, -262149, 1, -262148, 1, -262147, 1, -262146, 1, -262145, 1, -327680, 1, -327679, 1, -327678, 1, -327677, 1, -327676, 1, -327675, 1, -327674, 1, -327673, 1, -327672, 1, -327671, 5, -327670, 11, -327669, 11, -327668, 11, -327667, 11, -327666, 11, -327665, 11, -327664, 11, -196616, 10, -196615, 1, -196614, 1, -196613, 1, -196612, 1, -196611, 1, -196610, 1, -196609, 1, -262144, 1, -262143, 1, -262142, 1, -262141, 1, -262140, 1, -262139, 1, -262138, 1, -262137, 1, -262136, 1, -262135, 4, -262134, 11, -262133, 11, -262132, 9, -262131, 9, -262130, 9, -262129, 9, -262128, 11, -131080, 10, -131079, 1, -131078, 1, -131077, 8, -131076, 8, -131075, 1, -131074, 1, -131073, 1, -196608, 1, -196607, 1, -196606, 1, -196605, 1, -196604, 1, -196603, 1, -196602, 1, -196601, 1, -196600, 6, -196599, 11, -196598, 11, -196597, 11, -196596, 9, -196595, 9, -196594, 9, -196593, 9, -196592, 11, -65544, 10, -65543, 1, -65542, 6, -65539, 2, -65538, 1, -65537, 1, -131072, 8, -131071, 1, -131070, 1, -131069, 1, -131068, 1, -131067, 1, -131066, 1, -131065, 1, -131064, 1, -131063, 7, -131062, 5, -131061, 11, -131060, 9, -131059, 9, -131058, 9, -131057, 9, -131056, 11, -8, 10, -7, 1, -6, 6, -2, 2, -1, 4, -65535, 10, -65534, 1, -65533, 1, -65532, 1, -65531, 1, -65530, 1, -65529, 1, -65528, 1, -65527, 1, -65526, 6, -65525, 11, -65524, 9, -65523, 9, -65522, 9, -65521, 9, -65520, 11, 65528, 10, 65529, 1, 65530, 6, 65532, 3, 65533, 7, 65534, 7, 1, 10, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1, 8, 1, 9, 1, 10, 6, 12, 10, 13, 1, 14, 1, 15, 1, 16, 11, 131064, 10, 131065, 1, 131066, 6, 131068, 2, 131069, 1, 131070, 1, 65537, 2, 65538, 8, 65539, 8, 65540, 8, 65541, 8, 65542, 8, 65543, 1, 65544, 11, 65545, 1, 65546, 4, 65548, 10, 65549, 1, 65550, 1, 65551, 1, 65552, 11, 196600, 10, 196601, 1, 196602, 6, 196605, 10, 196606, 1, 131079, 10, 131080, 1, 131081, 6, 131084, 10, 131085, 1, 131086, 1, 131087, 1, 131088, 11, 262136, 10, 262137, 1, 262138, 6, 262141, 10, 262142, 1, 262143, 7, 196608, 7, 196609, 7, 196610, 7, 196611, 7, 196612, 7, 196613, 6, 196615, 2, 196616, 8, 196617, 8, 196618, 11, 196620, 10, 196621, 1, 196622, 1, 196623, 1, 196624, 11, 327672, 10, 327673, 1, 327674, 6, 327677, 10, 327678, 1, 327679, 1, 262144, 1, 262145, 1, 262146, 1, 262147, 1, 262148, 1, 262149, 6, 262151, 10, 262152, 7, 262153, 7, 262154, 7, 262155, 7, 262156, 1, 262157, 1, 262158, 1, 262159, 1, 262160, 11, 393208, 10, 393209, 1, 393210, 6, 393213, 2, 393214, 8, 393215, 8, 327680, 8, 327681, 8, 327682, 8, 327683, 1, 327684, 1, 327685, 1, 327686, 7, 327687, 1, 327688, 1, 327689, 1, 327690, 1, 327691, 1, 327692, 1, 327693, 1, 327694, 1, 327695, 1, 327696, 11, 458744, 10, 458745, 1, 458746, 6, 393219, 10, 393220, 1, 393221, 1, 393222, 1, 393223, 1, 393224, 1, 393225, 1, 393226, 1, 393227, 1, 393228, 1, 393229, 1, 393230, 1, 393231, 1, 393232, 11, 524280, 10, 524281, 1, 524282, 1, 524283, 7, 524284, 7, 524285, 7, 524286, 7, 524287, 7, 458752, 7, 458753, 7, 458754, 7, 458755, 1, 458756, 1, 458757, 6, 458758, 11, 458759, 8, 458760, 8, 458761, 8, 458762, 8, 458763, 8, 458764, 8, 458765, 8, 458766, 8, 458767, 8, 458768, 11, 589816, 10, 589817, 1, 589818, 1, 589819, 1, 589820, 1, 589821, 1, 589822, 1, 589823, 1, 524288, 1, 524289, 1, 524290, 1, 524291, 1, 524292, 1, 524293, 6, 524294, 11, 524295, 9, 524296, 9, 524297, 9, 524298, 9, 524299, 9, 524300, 9, 524301, 9, 524302, 9, 524303, 11, 524304, 11, 655352, 2, 655353, 8, 655354, 8, 655355, 8, 655356, 8, 655357, 8, 655358, 8, 655359, 8, 589824, 8, 589825, 8, 589826, 8, 589827, 8, 589828, 8, 589829, 6, 589830, 11, 589831, 9, 589832, 9, 589833, 9, 589834, 9, 589835, 9, 589836, 9, 589837, 9, 589838, 9, 589839, 9, 589840, 9 )
tile_data = IntArray( -589826, 3, -589825, 5, -524291, 3, -524290, 1, -524289, 1, -589824, 5, -458756, 3, -458755, 1, -458754, 1, -458753, 1, -524288, 1, -524287, 5, -524285, 3, -524284, 5, -393222, 0, -393221, 3, -393220, 1, -393219, 1, -393218, 1, -393217, 1, -458752, 1, -458751, 1, -458750, 7, -458749, 1, -458748, 6, -458747, 11, -458746, 11, -458745, 11, -458744, 11, -458743, 11, -458742, 11, -458741, 11, -458740, 11, -458739, 11, -458738, 11, -458737, 11, -458736, 11, -327687, 3, -327686, 7, -327685, 1, -327684, 1, -327683, 1, -327682, 1, -327681, 13, -393216, 17, -393215, 17, -393214, 1, -393213, 1, -393212, 1, -393211, 1, -393210, 1, -393209, 1, -393208, 5, -393207, 11, -393206, 11, -393205, 11, -393204, 11, -393203, 11, -393202, 11, -393201, 11, -393200, 11, -262152, 3, -262151, 1, -262150, 1, -262149, 1, -262148, 5, -262147, 1, -262146, 1, -262145, 1, -327680, 2, -327679, 1, -327678, 1, -327677, 1, -327676, 1, -327675, 1, -327674, 1, -327673, 1, -327672, 1, -327671, 5, -327670, 11, -327669, 11, -327668, 11, -327667, 11, -327666, 11, -327665, 11, -327664, 11, -196616, 10, -196615, 1, -196614, 1, -196613, 1, -196612, 1, -196611, 1, -196610, 1, -196609, 1, -262144, 1, -262143, 2, -262142, 8, -262141, 1, -262140, 1, -262139, 1, -262138, 1, -262137, 1, -262136, 1, -262135, 4, -262134, 11, -262133, 11, -262132, 9, -262131, 9, -262130, 9, -262129, 9, -262128, 11, -131080, 10, -131079, 1, -131078, 1, -131077, 8, -131076, 8, -131075, 1, -131074, 1, -131073, 1, -196608, 1, -196607, 1, -196606, 1, -196605, 1, -196604, 1, -196603, 1, -196602, 1, -196601, 1, -196600, 6, -196599, 11, -196598, 11, -196597, 11, -196596, 9, -196595, 9, -196594, 9, -196593, 9, -196592, 11, -65544, 10, -65543, 1, -65542, 6, -65539, 2, -65538, 1, -65537, 1, -131072, 8, -131071, 1, -131070, 1, -131069, 1, -131068, 1, -131067, 3, -131066, 5, -131065, 1, -131064, 1, -131063, 7, -131062, 5, -131061, 11, -131060, 9, -131059, 9, -131058, 9, -131057, 9, -131056, 11, -8, 10, -7, 1, -6, 1, -2, 2, -1, 4, -65535, 10, -65534, 1, -65533, 1, -65532, 1, -65531, 10, -65530, 1, -65529, 1, -65528, 1, -65527, 1, -65526, 6, -65525, 11, -65524, 9, -65523, 9, -65522, 9, -65521, 9, -65520, 11, 65528, 10, 65529, 1, 65530, 1, 65532, 3, 65533, 7, 65534, 7, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1, 8, 1, 9, 1, 10, 6, 12, 10, 13, 1, 14, 1, 15, 1, 16, 11, 131064, 10, 131065, 1, 131066, 6, 131068, 2, 131069, 1, 131070, 1, 65537, 1, 65538, 8, 65539, 1, 65540, 1, 65541, 8, 65542, 8, 65543, 1, 65544, 11, 65545, 1, 65546, 4, 65548, 1, 65549, 1, 65550, 1, 65551, 1, 65552, 11, 196600, 10, 196601, 1, 196602, 6, 196605, 10, 196606, 1, 131079, 10, 131080, 1, 131081, 6, 131084, 1, 131085, 1, 131086, 1, 131087, 1, 131088, 11, 262136, 10, 262137, 1, 262138, 6, 262141, 10, 262142, 1, 262143, 7, 196608, 7, 196609, 7, 196610, 7, 196611, 7, 196612, 7, 196613, 6, 196615, 2, 196616, 8, 196617, 8, 196618, 11, 196620, 10, 196621, 1, 196622, 1, 196623, 1, 196624, 11, 327672, 10, 327673, 1, 327674, 6, 327677, 10, 327678, 1, 327679, 1, 262144, 1, 262145, 1, 262146, 1, 262147, 1, 262148, 1, 262149, 6, 262151, 10, 262152, 7, 262153, 7, 262154, 7, 262155, 7, 262156, 1, 262157, 1, 262158, 1, 262159, 1, 262160, 11, 393208, 10, 393209, 1, 393210, 6, 393213, 2, 393214, 8, 393215, 1, 327680, 1, 327681, 8, 327682, 8, 327683, 1, 327684, 1, 327685, 1, 327686, 7, 327687, 1, 327688, 1, 327689, 1, 327690, 1, 327691, 1, 327692, 1, 327693, 1, 327694, 1, 327695, 1, 327696, 11, 458744, 10, 458745, 1, 458746, 6, 458751, 0, 393219, 10, 393220, 1, 393221, 1, 393222, 1, 393223, 1, 393224, 1, 393225, 1, 393226, 1, 393227, 1, 393228, 1, 393229, 1, 393230, 1, 393231, 1, 393232, 11, 524280, 10, 524281, 1, 524282, 1, 524283, 7, 524284, 7, 524285, 7, 524286, 7, 524287, 7, 458752, 7, 458753, 7, 458754, 7, 458755, 1, 458756, 1, 458757, 6, 458758, 11, 458759, 8, 458760, 8, 458761, 8, 458762, 8, 458763, 8, 458764, 8, 458765, 8, 458766, 8, 458767, 8, 458768, 11, 589816, 10, 589817, 1, 589818, 1, 589819, 1, 589820, 1, 589821, 1, 589822, 1, 589823, 1, 524288, 1, 524289, 1, 524290, 1, 524291, 1, 524292, 1, 524293, 6, 524294, 11, 524295, 9, 524296, 9, 524297, 9, 524298, 9, 524299, 9, 524300, 9, 524301, 9, 524302, 9, 524303, 11, 524304, 11, 655352, 2, 655353, 8, 655354, 8, 655355, 8, 655356, 8, 655357, 8, 655358, 8, 655359, 8, 589824, 8, 589825, 8, 589826, 8, 589827, 8, 589828, 8, 589829, 8, 589830, 11, 589831, 9, 589832, 9, 589833, 9, 589834, 9, 589835, 9, 589836, 9, 589837, 9, 589838, 9, 589839, 9, 589840, 9 )

[node name="player" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )]

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