This is a program that help you to automate the boring process of creating a project on github.😪
You are saving a lot of time by using a github automation tool. You are skipping:
Create a repo in the Github Website
Create the header of the README and pasting the LICENSE
Doing the boring stuff with git:
- Git init
- Git add .
- Git commit -m
- Git add remote
- Python3
- Git
Also you need a github access token. You can find it by Going to your Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate access tokens.
I selected the repo and Workflow boxes.
First you need to clone the repository:
git clone
Then make the installation process:
cd Github-automation
Now the program should be copied in .local/share/Github-automation, so you could erase the current directory.
By default you just need to create a folder named /Auth in your home directory, and paste your github token in the first line of a new file named githubapi.txt.📁
You can do it with the following commands:
cd ~
mkdir Auth
cd Auth/
cat >> githubapi.txt <<EOF
You could also insert your token, directly in the source code. But remember to run ./ again.
🔴 WARNING❗🔴: I know that having your token in a plain text file, would be risky. So I will try to do something in this aspect.
Now that setup is done, type create in your terminal.
This will call the file.
This will ask you for your Github username and the name of the repo you want to create.
Also you will be asked for choose a License, by default is included the Gnu license, the Mozilla license, the MIT license and the Apache license.
If there are not problems, you should have a remote repository created, anda folder in the current directory with the README, a License file and a .gitignore (By default Python).
- Remote type:
By default the remote type of the project is ssh, but you can change it to https with the command line argument https.
create https
- Code editor: The script open the created project with your default editor, but you can change it
with a command line argument.
For example here a I will create a project and open it with Vscodium.
create codium
Of course you could use both arguments, it would be something like this.
create https pycharm
This will create a project and open it in Pycharm editor.
That's all.
- ✅Implement License choose, since the default license is always the MIT license
- ⏳Find a more secure way to use the token
- ⏳Make it usable in Windows.
- ✅Implement a text editor choice in installation process. (Done)