The project makes use of assembly language principles within Java to create a virtual machine. The main components of a machine that were imitated, were the processes of a CPU and assembler. The virtual machine, for the CPU functionality, had the capabilities to fetch, decode, execute, and store on any instructions given by a user. The assembler served as the bridge between the computer and human input. Allowing for inputted strings to be converted to binary before being used in the computer method.
The main method is the final outcome of the project, each branch shows each week of progress. The assembler branch also shows usage of a lexical analyzer and parser to process one given full string. The "Assignment List" branch shows the instructions for each task.
I have gotten full credit on every assignment, except Assignment 7 where I lost 3 points due to comments. I also completed the bonus Lexer and Parser, giving me a total of 1017/1000 points for assignments.