This is a python implementation of the algorithm purposed in a Paper of D. Fulger et. al in 2008.
- Fulger, D., Scalas, E., & Germano, G. (2008). Monte Carlo simulation of uncoupled continuous-time random walks yielding a stochastic solution of the space-time fractional diffusion equation. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 77(2), 1–7.
Just numpy.
Just move the ctrw folder to a subdirectory of your python script where you want to use it. Then import it e.g. as
from ctrw import CTRW
Run without any arguments to create a two dimensional CTRW and plot it versus time.
Note: You have to have matplotlib installed to run the example
import ctrw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
process = ctrw.CTRW(100,gamma_x=1,gamma_t=1,alpha=2,beta=1,ndim=2)
x = process.get_samples()
t = process.times(2e-3)