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Daniel McCoy Stephenson edited this page Mar 4, 2023 · 11 revisions

Medieval Factions Guide​

Viewing Faction Info

  • In order to view what factions exist, type /mf list.
  • To see more information about any of the factions, type /mf info (faction-name).
  • To know what faction someone is in, type /mf who (player-name).

Joining a Faction

  • If you're not in a faction, you won't be able to protect your things from others, so it's best to know how to join one.
  • Before you join a faction, you have to be invited. If someone invites you, you will be alerted on the screen and will need to type /mf join (faction-name) to accept.

Creating a Faction

  • If you would rather lead a civilization rather than join one, type /mf create (faction-name).
  • To invite others to your faction, type /mf invite (player-name).
  • To set the description of your faction, type /mf desc (description).
  • To view the laws of your faction, type /mf laws.
  • To add a law, type /mf addlaw (law) or /mf al (law).
  • To remove a law, type /mf (removelaw (number) or /mf rl (number).
  • To edit a law, type /mf editlaw (number) (edited law) or /mf el (number) (edited law).

Claiming Land

  • Currently only owners and officers of factions can claim land, and only owners can toggle the autoclaim flag.
  • To see if land is claimed, type /mf checkclaim or /mf cc.
  • To claim land, type /mf claim.
  • To unclaim land, type /mf unclaim.
  • To enable autoclaim, type /mf autoclaim or /mf ac.
  • To unclaim all land, type /mf unclaimall or /mf ua.


  • Players can only hurt eachother when they're at war or factionless. Only owners and officers of factions can declare war or make peace.
  • To view who you are at war with, type /mf info.
  • To declare war on a faction, type /mf declarewar (faction) or /mf dw (faction).
  • To offer peace to a faction, type /mf makepeace (faction) or /mf mp (faction). Both factions will need to make peace before peace can be had.
  • To conquer someone's land, type /mf claim in their territory. This is only possible if you are at war and if they have more land than power.


  • Factions can be allied with one another. Allies can't declare war on each other. When someone declares war on a faction, all of the allies of that factions declare war back.
  • To view who you are allied with, type /mf info.
  • To request an alliance with another faction, type /mf ally (faction). Both factions must request an alliance before an alliance is made.
  • To break an alliance with another faction, type /mf breakalliance (faction).


  • Locks only work on claimed land, so if land is unclaimed or conquered, locks will also be removed.
  • You can only lock chests or doors right now.
  • To lock something, type /mf lock and right click it. Type /mf lock cancel to cancel this.
  • To unlock something, type /mf unlock and right click it. Type /mf unlock cancel to cancel this.
  • To check who has access to something, type /mf checkaccess or /mf cc and right click it. Type /mf checkaccess cancel or /mf cc cancel to cancel this.
  • To grant access to something for someone, type /mf grantaccess (player) or /mf ga (player) and right click it. Type /mf grantaccess cancel or /mf ga cancel to cancel this.
  • To revoke access to something for someone, type /mf revokeaccess (player) or /mf ra (player) and right click it. Type /mf revokeaccess cancel or /mf ra cancel to cancel this.


  • Factions can vassalize other factions.
  • When one faction agrees to be another's vassal, they are essentially swearing loyalty.
  • If a faction has one or more vassals, they are considered a liege.
  • Lieges can be vassals as well.
  • Lieges are granted bonus power proportional to their vassals' power. If a liege drops below 50% of its maximum cumulative power, it will no longer receive their vassal bonuses.
  • Vassals cannot be declared war on by any factions except those with the same liege.


You can create a gate using the /mf gate create command. You need to be holding a golden hoe. The command will guide you through the process.

If you’re stuck, check out this example here.