liberator-transit is a Clojure library designed to add support to Liberator for encoding sequences and maps into Transit. It supports JSON, verbose JSON, and MessagePack encodings.
It is a fairly simple library, but it’s handy to have.
To install, just add the following to your project :dependencies:
[io.clojure/liberator-transit "0.3.0"]
To load support for Transit into Liberator, just require the
(:require [io.clojure.liberator-transit]))
The only other thing you need to do is to let Liberator know you would like to
support the Transit MIME types: application/transit+json
, as in:
(defresource my-awesom-resource
:available-media-types ["application/transit+json"
:handle-ok ["this" "is" "awesome"])
That’s it. If your handle-ok
returns a sequence or a map, it will now be
encoded into Transit/JSON or Transit/MessagePack if your client requests it.
Both varieties of Transit/JSON use the same MIME type. By default, liberator-transit uses the non-verbose JSON format. In order to get verbose JSON output, a client needs to include "verbose" as part of the "Accept" header. For example:
curl -H "Accept: application/transit+json;verbose" \
You can completely disable verbose JSON output by setting the
option to a false value. Additionally, by setting
to a true value, JSON responses will be verbose by
default. See the next section about setting options for more information.
You can set various options to modify the behaviour of liberator-transit
The supported options include:
: if false, do not ever produce verbose JSON output.:json-verbose-is-default?
: if true, produce verbose JSON output by default.:initial-buffer-size
: The initial buffer size to use when generating the output. Note that the buffer will automatically grow as needed. It probably only makes sense to change this if you are serialising very large objects.:handlers
: a map of write handlers that will be passed directly to transit
liberator-transit looks for its options in the Liberator context under they key
. As such you can set options anywhere in your resource
where you can modify the context. For example, the following sample resource
will modify the context as part of the exists?
(defresource hello-resource [name]
:exists? {:liberator-transit {:allow-json-verbose? false}}
:available-media-types ["application/transit+json"]
:handle-ok {:message (str "Hello, " name \!)})
Additionally, you can set options by specifying a as-response
transit-liberator provides io.clojure.transit-liberator/as-response
available in two different arities. The unary form simply takes an options map
and invokes Liberator’s default behaviour. The following is equivalent to the
previous example:
(defresource hello-resource [name]
:available-media-types ["application/transit+json"]
:handle-ok {:message (str "Hello, " name \!)}
:as-response (transit-liberator/as-response
{:allow-json-verbose? false}))
Additionally, in the case you already have a custom as-response
function you
would like to use, you can wrap it using transit-liberator’s as-response
(defresource hello-resource [name]
:available-media-types ["application/transit+json"]
:handle-ok {:message (str "Hello, " name \!)}
:as-response (transit-liberator/as-response
{:allow-json-verbose? false}
Note that any options specified elsewhere in your resource definition will
override any options set as part of the as-response
All contributors to liberator-transit by first commit:
- Daniel Solano Gómez
- Rafael Khan
I am not sure what might be desired by user of the library, but a few ideas I have include:
- Write a proper URI generator for the tests
- Write a Transit link generator for the tests
- Should liberator-transit modify the content type or add additional headers to let the consumer know it is producing verbose JSON?
Copyright © 2014 Daniel Solano Gómez All rights reserved.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which can be found in the file LICENSE at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.