Development of the User-Interface and Demos for my Senior Project at the University of Florida.
GLFW GLM GLAD freetype
Please compile all demo files before compiling mainWindow.cpp.
g++ -o cubeDemo cubeDemo.cpp glad.c -I. -ldl -lglfw -lGL
g++ -o triPyramid triPyramidDemo.cpp glad.c -I. -ldl -lglfw -lGL
g++ -o sphereDemo sphereDemo.cpp glad.c -I. -ldl -lglfw -lGL
g++ -o diamondDemo diamondDemo.cpp glad.c -I. -ldl -lglfw -lGL
g++ -o advCube advCubeDemo.cpp glad.c -I. -ldl -lglfw -lGL
g++ -std=c++11 mainWindow.cpp glad.c -o mainWindow -I./ -ldl -lglfw -lGL -lGLU
Make sure the stb_image.h file is in your root directory. The file can be found at this GitHub Repository: