The goal of this respository is to show the design behind a Tendon-Driven leg following this basic steps:
Run main:
%% Main
%Run this code to get the main figure showing the angle changes and fesible forse set for a leg movement during a ground %stage.
% Code to add leg dimensions, both segments the same size. % code to add motor parameters, forces and the scaling of the feasible force set to fit into figure % Locations of knee and end point are calulated. (q1 position and floor location) % CALLED FUNCTIONS: % This file calls the function MeasureAngle.m to calculate joint angles % Calculated angles have been tested, they are correctly obtained % it also calls function Tendon_Limb_Design.m to get the feasible force set % Still need to determine if gotten feasible force set is good
%Headers in MATLAB files help on explaining the function of this code.
Transformation matrix (T) __Kinetic description
Forward kinematic model G(q) __End point position with orientation also called Geometric Model
Jacobian (J) __Instantaneous linear and angular endpoint velocities
Moment arm matrix (R(q)) __From a given tendon route and joint radius
Maximum force matrix (F)__Where forces generated by motors go, motor shafts will produce torque values below the stall ones because of movement
Activation matrix a __Show the current activation level of muscles
Feasible wrench space: __w=J[-trnasp]RF*a=Ha
%This code is good only for two segment robots analysis, it needs to be generalized.
% A lot of optimization and generalization is possible. More matrix operations (linear % algebrea) can be used. For example, the force measurement in Tendo_Limb_Design.m can be done in a more efficent and general way.