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1.12.2 Documentation

Tyler Hancock edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 1 revision

This documentation is for Minecraft 1.12.2 only. This version is no longer being maintained and may have some bugs.

Adding a Tip


Modpacks can add new tips by editing the config/tips.cfg file. Each line in the customTips section will be added as a tip that can be displayed. It is also possible to add a custom title for your tip by adding #SPLIT# followed by your title to the end of the text.

    # A list of custom tips added by the user or modpack. [default: ]
    S:customTips <
        This line of text will show up as a new tipe.
        This line of text is another seperate tip.
	This tip will have a custom title in game.#SPLIT#Custom TIP

Mod Authors

Mod authors can add tips by simply adding entries to their en_US.lang file. This mod will scan all language files and build an appropriate list of tips. The expected translation key is To add more tips simply increment the number at the end. It is important to keep these numbers sequential, for example if you skip 4 but have a 5, 6, and 7, the mod will stop loading at 3.

Modpack authors can disable all tips detected this way by setting allowDefaultTips to false in the config.

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