Michael Barmada | MDB120@pitt.edu | 2 May 2021
Michael Barmada's Term Project. Sentiment analysis of Goodreads reviews within the Fantasy genre. Examines linguistic differences between positive and negative reviews.
Data was scraped from goodreads.com, specifically from the books found on Goodreads' fantasy shelf. The scraper itself was modified from code produced by Maria Antoniak
- Book Scraper - Code used to scrape reviews from Goodreads
- Analysis: (git | nbviewer) - Where all of the data is analysed
- Final Report - Final report on project findings
- Presentation - Slides from project presentation
- Images - Collection of images used for my final report & presentation
- Progress Report - Record of updates on the development of this project
- Project Plan - Original plan for the project. See what's changed!
- License - Project License
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