Sonia Cromp,
Sonia's Data Science for Linguists term project: A classifier to detect the language of a text sample, and an analysis of which languages are commonly confused by the classifier and why
The data used is derived from Wikipedia server dumps. Here are all Wikipedia contributors.
- gives the ideas I had at the start of the project, which is pretty much what I adhered to
- gives progress updates as I worked on the projects. I tried to make the reports fairly detailed and able to be followed
- contains the final report
- [final_pres.pdf] is the slideshow I used for the final presentation
- contains licensing information
- is what you're reading right now
- .gitignore should be ignored
- 1-data-explanation.ipynb explains the data gathering process. Since GitHub mangles section links, here's the same notebook through Jupyter's nbviewer.
- 2-dataAnonAndPrep.ipynb anonymizes all languages' writing systems, then reformats the anonymized and non-anonymized datasets to be all ready for machine learning. Since GitHub mangles section links, here's the same notebook through Jupyter's nbviewer.
- 3-naive_bayes.ipynb does the language identification and relatedness mapping. Since GitHub mangles section links, here's the same notebook through Jupyter's nbviewer.
- 4-clusterfun.ipynb does a bit more relatedness mapping and analysis. Since GitHub mangles section links, here's the same notebook through Jupyter's nbviewer.
- was used to perform grid search with the classifier on CRC
- is the corresponding slurm script to run
- data_chunked contains the non-anonymized dataset (i.e. the final product of 1-data-explanation.ipynb)
- data_samples contains intermediary examples of the data during the datagathering process, which are discussed in 1-data-explanation.ipynb
- datagather contains the actual scripts used to gather the data.
- is the main gathering script
- contains some utilities used by the Python script
- crc contains the files needed to run the data gathering process on Pitt's Computing Research Center (CRC) resources
- and correspond with the same scripts in the parent directory, but with modifications for CRC
- explains how to set up the script and all networking configurations on CRC, your personal computer, and a secondary storage computer
- is a tutorial/test script to experiment with the networking setup used in the datagathering process
- ex.txt is just a text file, sent across the network by
- figs contains figures, most of which are in the final report
The guestbook is here.
The data is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) policy and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). See the in that directory for more information.
All other parts of this repository are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.