This project is used as part of a 3D Animated Show I am building called The Bubble Report. The plan is to create a daily morning video with a recap of the stock market from the previous market day.
I will publish this site on my server soon.
This project uses DataJuggler.Blazor.Components and is a demo for the Grid. DataJuggler.Blazor.Components has passed 100,000 installs on NuGet.
This project is used in conjunction with another project of mine called StockData, where I download the latest End of Day stock prices from
Stock Data
To run this project will you need to follow these instructions
- Create a SQL Server dataqbase named StockData
- Download the SQL Script from Stock Data here:
- Extract the Zip file and execute the StockDataDatabaseWithData.sql. This will create the tables, fields and views, plus insert all the rows. I update the database about once a week.
- Create a connection string for StockData database. Tip: DataTier.Net comes with a Connection Builder program located in the Tools folder
- Create a System Environment variable called BubbleReportConnString and paste in the connection string created in Step 4.
- Run the project and you should see 5 or 6 grids.
I am making a video now for this project.