- build and deploy a static site for personal resume.
- unders the protfolio tabe add badges for certs and skils -aws -gcp -ibm design thinking -https://www.linkedin.com/posts/manpower-sa_javalearners-activity-6983769778939138048-qOOg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop -correct the hard and soft skills -add a profile pic 115x115 png
- Google badges can be found here with embedded links for each https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/ea8aaa82-2f25-4631-999b-6716518df5c9
- add a refrences page
- paul de roos, seeff
- laeeqa levy,
- chris pretorious,
- george baloyi, digitial youth training academy
- have a social media section similar to the protfolio subsection to host badges with embedded links to respective social media profile. twitter (new account), strava, instagram, github.