Docker images for multiple GNU/Linux file managers apps, using the jlesage/docker-baseimage-gui image. Once deployed, each app can be accessed through a modern web browser or a VNC client. This image is only available for linux/amd64.
These images are experimental and might have undesirable effects. Use it under your responsability!
Available file browsers apps are: nautilus
, thunar
, dolphin
# Which file browser app to use
docker run -d --name=$FILEBROWSER -p 5800:5800 -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro$FILEBROWSER-gui:latest
The following commands locally build and deploy a container of a certain file browser included in this repository:
# git clone...
# Which file browser app to use
# Which tag version to use for building ("debian-10" recommended); One of:
docker build --build-arg IMAGE_TAG=$BUILD_TAG -t local/$FILEBROWSER ./$FILEBROWSER
docker run -d --name=$FILEBROWSER -p 5800:5800 -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro local/$FILEBROWSER
- 0.0.1
- Initial Nautilus image
- Initial Thunar image
- Initial Dolphin image