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David Arno edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

Pattern Matching

Succinc<T> pattern matching guide: Other types, by value


This pattern matching guide is split into the following sections:

Value-based pattern matching on general types is achieved via a single extension method, Match(). This then starts a fluent chain of functions that describe an action-based pattern matching expression. In other words, the method or lambda of type void F(T valueMatched), or T -> void in functional parlance, associated with the matching pattern is executed.

Obviously the reasons behind pattern matching is to supply a more functional style to the code. As such, it is common to want to return a value from the match. This is achieved by chaining the functions after specifying Match().To<ResultType>(). The reason for using To<T>() rather than just providing a second Match variant, that returns T is due to the way C# handles generics and methods. The rule is simple: either all type parameters can be inferred and so none need be specified, or all type parameters must be specified. As such, the following style would have to be used when, in this case, matching on an int and returning a string:

var result = 100.Match<int, string>()...

By using Match().To<ResultType>(), this becomes:

var result = 100.Match().To<string>()...

It's a subtle change, but in my opinion it aids readability as the type parameter is focused solely on the return type, rather than restating the value/reference type to be matched.


The generalised syntax for patterns can be expressed using BNF-like syntax. As previously mentioned, there are two types of match. Firstly, matching and returning a value:

result = {item}.Match().To<{result type}>()
               [WithExpression | WhereExpression ]...

WithExpression ==> 
   .With({value})[.Or({value})]... .Do({item} => {result type expression} |
   .With({value})[.Or({value})]... .Do({result type expression})

WhereExpression ==>
   .Where({item} => {boolean expression}).Do({item} => {result type expression} |
   .Where({item} => {boolean expression}).Do({result type expression})

ElseExpression ==>
    .Else({item} => {result type expression}) |
    .Else({result type expression})

And the alternative is a match that invokes a void expression (ie, an Action<{item type}>):

      [WithExpression | WhereExpression ]...

WithExpression ==> 
   .With({value})[.Or({value})]... .Do({item} => {action}

WhereExpression ==>
   .Where({item} => {boolean expression}).Do({item} => {action}

ElseExpression ==>
    .Else({item} => {action}) |

To explain the above syntax:

  • {} denotes a non-literal, eg {void expression} could be the empty expression, {}, or something like Console.WriteLine("hello").
  • Items in [] are optional.
  • | is or, ie [x|y] reads as "an optional x or y".
  • ... after [x] means 0 or more occurrences of x.
  • ==> is a sub-rule, which defines the expression on the left of this symbol.

Basic Usage

The most basic form that can be used can be demonstrated with a bool, as shown in the code examples below:

public static string YesOrNo(bool value)
    return value.Match().To<string>()
                .With(false).Do(x => "No")
                .With(true).Do(x => "Yes")

public static void PrintYesOrNo(bool value)
         .With(false).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("No"))
         .With(true).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("Yes"))

In the first case, we use .Match().To<string>() to specify we will return a string via a Func<int, string> function. If .To is missed off, then nothing is returned and instead an Action<int> function is executed instead.

In both cases, the pattern is to match specific values and to execute the matching lambda. Also in both cases, we have just stuck to using With, but we could simplify both by using Else:

public static string YesOrNoV2(bool value)
    return value.Match().To<string>()
                .With(false).Do(x => "No")
                .Else(x => "Yes")

public static void PrintYesOrNo(bool value)
         .With(false).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("No"))
         .Else(x => Console.WriteLine("Yes"))

One further change can be made to the functional example. We are supplying a parameter, x, which isn't then used. In this case, we can dispense with the lambda and just specify the return value:

public static string YesOrNoV2(bool value)
    return value.Match().To<string>()

Matching Multiple Values

For a boolean, there are only two values, so the pattern is simple. What about if we want to match many values for an int for example? We have two choices here: Or and Where

Firstly, using Or we could write a function to check for example, a single digit odd number like this:

public static bool IsSingleDigitAndOdd(int value)
    return value.Match().To<string>()

If we simply wanted to check for a single-digit, positive number though, we can use Where:

public static bool IsSingleDigitAndPositive(int value)
    return value.Match().To<string>()
                .Where(x => x > 0 && x < 10).Do(true)

Match Order

So far, we've only looked at examples with two match patterns. In many cases though, more may be required and the match patterns can overlap. The following function highlights this:

public static string OddOrPositive(int value)
    return value.Match().To<string>()
                .Where(x => x % 2 == 1).Do(i => string.Format("{0} is odd", i))
                .Where(x => x > 0).Do(i => string.Format("{0} is positive", i))
                .Else(i => string.Format("{0} is neither odd, nor positive"))

Clearly in this situation, all positive odd integers will match both Where clauses. The matching mechanism tries each match in the order specified and stops on the first match. So OddOrPositive(1) will return 1 is odd, rather than 1 is positive.

Matching enums

Enums can be matched just like any other value type, for example:

public static void PrintColorName(Color color)
         .With(Color.Red).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("Red"))
         .With(Color.Green).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("Green"))
         .With(Color.Blue).Do(x => Console.WriteLine("Blue"))

Matching Reference types

Succinc<T> doesn't do anything clever with its comparisons, it just uses the default equality function for a type. So if a type compares by reference, the pattern will match on reference. So, for the following code:

class Point
    int X { get; set; }
    int Y { get; set; }

class Example
    private p1 = new Point { X = 1, Y = 2 };
    private p2 = new Point { X = 1, Y = 2 };

    public bool P1P2AreEqual()
        return p1.Match().To<bool>()

Calling P1P2AreEqual() will return false.

Real World Example

Clearly the reference type example above is highly contrived, as P1P2AreEqual() is just a long-winded way of doing p1 == p2. But pattern-matching has real uses too, as the following example shows. This is a translation of an F# example:

public static int Fib(int n)
    return n.Match().To<int>()
            .With(0).Or(1).Do(x => x)
            .Else(x => Fib(x - 1) + Fib(x - 2))

This is a simple, concise method that uses pattern matching and recursion to "solve" the fibonacci sequence.

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