Tools for recording Hiproofs in hol-light and visualising them in a web browser.
More extensive documentation on how to use these tools is coming soon. There is also a forthcoming paper about it. For some high-level information available now, see the slides in the file hiproofs_talk.pdf.
If you are eager to use it NOW, do the following:
- Make sure you have OCaml 4.00 or better (we've used GADTs)
- Install HOL Light (see to see if the versions match)
- Copy the hiproofs directory and and into the HOL Light directory
Make sure that the variable JGRAPH_BROWSER_COMMAND in hiproofs/ is set properly for your environment. The default value is
open $
which uses the Mac OS X's open
command to show the generated HTML in
the default web browser. The dollar sign $ is where the location of
the HTML file to display will be inserted.
You can now export a theorem T via
Hitools.export *size* *T* *name*
For adding your own hierarchical boxes to proofs, you can use the hilabel function or any of its derivatives:
hilabel : Hiproofs.label -> (thm list -> thm) -> thm list -> thm
hilabel_thm : Hiproofs.label -> thm -> thm
hilabel_tac : Hiproofs.label -> tactic -> tactic
hilabel_tac_goals : Hiproofs.label list -> tactic -> tactic
hilabel_tac_frame : Hiproofs.label -> tactic -> tactic
string_label : string -> Hiproofs.label
Have fun visualising!