Cats like to live a simple life. A fat cat wants an even simpler one. In order to accomplish this FatCatGit goal is to create a simple Git user interface for Windows that is simple to use. This will be simple for me at my job. I will not guarantee this will work for any fat cat. This is inspired by GitExtensions.
I am using PivotalTracker to house the user stories for this project.
In order to get all the unit tests to pass, change the configuraiton in FatCat.Git.UnitTets.GitCommands .config file to the correct settings.
<add key="GitTestProjectLocation" value="C:\Test\Repo1"/>
<add key="GitTestCloneLocation" value="C:\Test\UnitTestRepo"/>
<add key="GitInstallLocation" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe"/>
GitTestProjectLocation is a test git project that will be used in the unit tests.