Original Repo: SAE2024_Final
First enter the directory in which this repository is cloned. For instance: 'cd Desktop/SAE2024_Final/'
Then enter the RustSampler directory using 'cd RustSampler'
- If you would like to have the image at the bottom of the GUI, you will have to change the file path near line 384 to the path of your clone/fork of this repository
then run 'cargo xtask bundle RustSampler --release'
Then, in the 'RustSampler/Target/bundled/' directory there will be a RustSampler.vst3 file and a RustSampler.clap file
Move the file of your desired plugin format to your system's plug-in directory. For instance, on mac it might look like this: '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3'
You can launch DAW in developer mode to see the terminal from the DAW, for instance, launch REAPER in developer mode using the command
$./REAPER -d
in the directory where REAPER is installed -
When using the RustSampler, be sure to only load sfz and wav files. All other file formats will be ignored.
- There is an example sfz file here
- When you download the file, you will need to edit the paths in the sfz file that point to all of the audio files. This can be done using your preferred text editor and using a find and replace all to replace the currnent paths with your own.
- This might look like this 'find: "auraaudio/Desktop/Salamander" replace with: "your_user_name/Downloads/SFZ Files/Salamander Grand Piano" '
- Once this is done, you should be able to navigate to that sfz file from the RustSampler and it should load immediately. If it does not load, there may be a problem with your file paths.
Demo Video: Rust Sampler Demo
The VST Plug-in GUI is achieved using nig-plug-egui crate based on egui baseview. The ADSR envelope visualization is achieved using epaint
from egui