Welcome to Gryff Outdoor! We created an e-commerce platform for outdoor gear using Rails and PostgreSQL.
Our application collects products by utilizing:
- Admin input through our web app, on which a user can create a new product to be sold
2) A seed file with example products that could be sold on our website
Run these commands in this order:
git clone git@github.com:DavidKnott/gryff_outdoor.git
cd gryff_outdoor
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails db:test:prepare
To launch the project on local host, start up the rails server and visit the root path.
rails s
Run rspec from the command line:
- Git/GitHub
- Waffle.io
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Ruby on Rails and ERB templates
- ActiveRecord
- PostgreSQL
- Rspec
- Capybara
- Omniauth