This app exports a GraphQL schema for search results on VTEX Stores.
The default implementation for this schema is on app.
To use it in your app, decalre it on your manifest file like:
"dependencies": {
"": "0.x"
You may then use it in your front end component queries, for example, write file productQuery.gql
query ProductQuery($slug: String) {
product(identifier: { field: slug, value: $slug}) @context(provider: "") {
To resolve this query, you need to have a app that implements the schema declared in this app, such as:
Check the Product to know what fields you can query in the type product.
Product slug
slug: String
Product identifier
identifier: ProductUniqueIdentifier
): Product
Relevant types:
input ProductUniqueIdentifier {
field: ProductUniqueIdentifierField!
value: ID!
enum ProductUniqueIdentifierField {
The product query returns a propduct.
You may get a product with its slug (using the slug arg) or by passing other type of identification like id.
query {
product(identifier: { field: slug, value: "my-slug"}) {
query {
product(identifier: { field: id, value: "1"}) {
Product Search:
Terms that is used in search e.g.: eletronics/samsung
query: String = ""
Text inputed by user as the search term
fullText: String = ""
Defines terms types: Brand, Category, Department e.g.: c,b
map: String = ""
Selected facets
selectedFacets: [SelectedFacet]
Filter by category. {a}/{b} - {a} and {b} are categoryIds
category: String = ""
Array of product specification. specificationFilter_{a}:{b} - {a} is the specificationId, {b} = specification value
specificationFilters: [String]
Filter by price range. e.g.: {a} TO {b} - {a} is the minimum price "from" and {b} is the highest price "to"
priceRange: String = ""
Filter by collection. where collection also know as productClusterId
collection: String = ""
Filter by availability at a specific sales channel. e.g.: salesChannel:4 if want filter by available products for the sales channel 4
salesChannel: String = ""
Order by a criteria. OrderByPriceDESC/OrderByPriceASC, OrderByTopSaleDESC, OrderByReviewRateDESC, OrderByNameASC/OrderByNameDESC, OrderByReleaseDateDESC, OrderByBestDiscountDESC
orderBy: String = "OrderByPriceDESC"
Pagination item start
from: Int = 0
Pagination item end
to: Int = 9
If true, uses isAvailablePerSalesChannel_ parameter on query with segment's sales channel. Will override any given salesChannel arg
hideUnavailableItems: Boolean = false
If you want faster searches and do not care about most up to date prices and promotions, use skip value.
simulationBehavior: SimulationBehavior = default
If true, all the products will be solved by VTEX API.
productOriginVtex: Boolean = false
Indicates how the search-engine will deal with the fullText.
operator: Operator
Indicates how the search engine will correct misspeled words.
fuzzy: String
It is similar to fuzzy and operator but is used for scenarios where fuzzy and operator are not enough.
searchState: String
): ProductSearch
type ProductSearch {
products: [Product]
recordsFiltered: Int
titleTag: String
metaTagDescription: String
breadcrumb: [SearchBreadcrumb]
canonical: String
suggestion: SearchSuggestions
correction: SearchCorrection
operator: Operator
fuzzy: String
searchState: String
banners: [SearchBanner]
It returns a list of products, the breadcrumb associated for that search, the number of items in total, and SEO related data.
query {
productSearch(query: "clothing", map:"c", hideUnavailableItems: true) {
products {
breadcrumb {
Other examples:
query {
productSearch(query: "clothing/Brand", map:"c,b", hideUnavailableItems: true, from: 10, to: 20, ) {
products {
breadcrumb {
Search Metadata:
Terms that is used in search e.g.: eletronics/samsung
query: String = ""
Text inputed by user as the search term
fullText: String = ""
Defines terms types: Brand, Category, Department e.g.: c,b
map: String = ""
Selected facets
selectedFacets: [SelectedFacet]
): SearchMetadata
type SearchMetadata {
titleTag: String
metaTagDescription: String
This query returns SEO related data.
query {
searchMetadata(query: "clothing/Brand", map:"c,b") {
Products (list)
Returns products list filtered and ordered
Terms that is used in search e.g.: eletronics/samsung
query: String = ""
Defines terms types: Brand, Category, Department e.g.: c,b
map: String = ""
Filter by category. {a}/{b} - {a} and {b} are categoryIds
category: String = ""
Array of product specification. specificationFilter_{a}:{b} - {a} is the specificationId, {b} = specification value
specificationFilters: [String]
Filter by price range. e.g.: {a} TO {b} - {a} is the minimum price "from" and {b} is the highest price "to"
priceRange: String = ""
Filter by collection. where collection also know as productClusterId
collection: String = ""
Filter by availability at a specific sales channel. e.g.: salesChannel:4 if want filter by available products for the sales channel 4
salesChannel: String = ""
Order by a criteria. OrderByPriceDESC/OrderByPriceASC, OrderByTopSaleDESC, OrderByReviewRateDESC, OrderByNameASC/OrderByNameDESC, OrderByReleaseDateDESC, OrderByBestDiscountDESC
orderBy: String = "OrderByPriceDESC"
Pagination item start
from: Int = 0
Pagination item end
to: Int = 9
If true, uses isAvailablePerSalesChannel_ parameter on query with segment's sales channel. Will override any given salesChannel arg
hideUnavailableItems: Boolean = false
): [Product]
Returns a list of products.
query {
products(query: "clothing/Brand", map:"c,b") {
Product Recommendations
identifier: ProductUniqueIdentifier
type: CrossSelingInputEnum
): [Product]
Get recommendations based on type of wanted recommendation for that specified product.
query {
productRecommendations(identifier: { field: id, value: "1"}, type: similars) {
Products By Identifier
field: ProductUniqueIdentifierField!
values: [ID!]
salesChannel: String
): [Product]
Get products with same identifier, returns list.
query {
productsByIdentifier(identifier: { field: reference, value: "1"}, type: similars) {
Terms that is used in search e.g.: eletronics/samsung
query: String = ""
Text inputed by user as the search term
fullText: String = ""
Defines terms types: Brand, Category, Department e.g.: c,b
map: String = ""
Selected facets
selectedFacets: [SelectedFacet]
If true, uses isAvailablePerSalesChannel_ parameter on query with segment's sales channel.
hideUnavailableItems: Boolean = false
If Static, ignores SpecificationFilters received on the map and query when returning
the facets available, which makes the facets never change.
behavior: String = "Static"
Indicates how the search-engine will deal with the fullText.
operator: Operator
Indicates how the search engine will correct misspeled words.
fuzzy: String
It is similar to fuzzy and operator but is used for scenarios where fuzzy and operator are not enough.
searchState: String
Pagination item start
from: Int
Pagination item end
to: Int
): Facets
Return the facets associated for those search args.
Check the Facets to know what fields you can query in the type Facets.
query {
facets(query: "clothing", map: "c") {
departments {
Number of items that is returned
maxRows: Int = 12
Terms that is used in search e.g.: iphone
searchTerm: String
): Suggestions
Return type:
type Suggestions {
""" searchTerm from Query autocomplete is used as cacheId """
cacheId: ID
itemsReturned: [Items]
type Items {
thumb: String
name: String @translatableV2
href: String
criteria: String
slug: String
productId: String
Returns the suggested items based on a search term, used for search bar.
query {
autocomplete(searchTem: "shirt") {
itemsReturned {