An awfully small library for performing validation in Business Services.
A simple example:
var validator = new Validator();
// basic validation. The checkRego method (last argument) would return a Boolean.
validator.Validate("CarRegistration", "Vehicle does not have a current, valid registration", checkRego(someVehicle));
if(validator) {
var licensee = GetLicensee(licenceNr);
if(licensee is null) {
// add a raw message to the relevant Failure Bundle.
validator.AddFailure("Licensee", $"No licensee exists with the licence number {licenceNr}.");
} else {
// validate an object
validator.Validate(l => l.DateOfBirth, $"No valid date of birth is stored for the licensee with licence number {licenceNr}", licensee, l => l.DateOfBirth > DateTime.MinValue);
validator.ThrowIfInvalid(); // throws exception, only if IsValid() is false, which wraps the Validation Failures dictionary.
return validator; // returns object which implicitly casts to "true" if valid.
More example code can be found in the sample project in the repo code.
I wrote an article explaining the genesis and usage of Business Validation here.
You can easily build the assembly by cloning the repository, changing to the root directory in a shell and running the following command:
nuke Compile
If you also want to run the unit tests:
nuke Test