My Super Smash Flash 2 (SSF2) replay files.
This repo helps me synchronize my replays across multiple computers, back them up, share them publicly etc.
Here is my YouTube channel where I upload recordings of some of these replays.
I created a program to analyse these replays: Replays Analyser.
The oldest replay in this repo is from 11th January 2021.
This is around when replay autosave was introduced in version
I started playing SSF2 much earlier (around 2014) but unfortunately the replays from that time were not saved.
Many dates on the replays are one day ahead due to a coding error within SSF2.
This error in SSF2 can be fixed by following the instructions here.
Use the script provided (
) when making commits to this repo.
This ensures the replay count line below gets updated!
These lines safeguard against file content corruption during programmatic updates,
preserving the content above and the file's line ending, similar to DNA telomeres.