Static-site generation for React on Vite.
See demo(also document): docs
🎈 Support for @tanstack/router
and wouter
is in progress!
Support for the @tanstack/router
router is still experimental, and pathname.lazy.tsx routes
are not yet supported.
For usage examples, see: main
- Usage
- Use CSR during development
- Extra route options
- Data fetch
- lazy
- Document head
- Public Base Path
- CSS in JS
- Critical CSS
- Configuration
- Roadmap
- Credits
npm i -D vite-react-ssg react-router-dom
// package.json
"scripts": {
- "build": "vite build"
+ "build": "vite-react-ssg build"
// If you need ssr when dev
- "dev": "vite",
+ "dev": "vite-react-ssg dev",
// OR if you want to use another vite config file
+ "build": "vite-react-ssg build -c another-vite.config.ts"
// src/main.ts
import { ViteReactSSG } from 'vite-react-ssg'
import routes from './App.tsx'
export const createRoot = ViteReactSSG(
// react-router-dom data routes
{ routes },
// function to have custom setups
({ router, routes, isClient, initialState }) => {
// do something.
// src/App.tsx
import React from 'react'
import type { RouteRecord } from 'vite-react-ssg'
import './App.css'
import Layout from './Layout'
export const routes: RouteRecord[] = [
path: '/',
element: <Layout />,
entry: 'src/Layout.tsx',
children: [
path: 'a',
lazy: () => import('./pages/a'),
index: true,
Component: React.lazy(() => import('./pages/index')),
path: 'nest/:b',
lazy: () => {
const Component = await import('./pages/nest/[b]')
return { Component }
// To determine which paths will be pre-rendered
getStaticPaths: () => ['nest/b1', 'nest/b2'],
Vite React SSG provide SSR (Server-Side Rendering) during development to ensure consistency between development and production as much as possible.
But if you want to use CSR during development, just:
// package.json
"scripts": {
- "dev": "vite-react-ssg dev",
+ "dev": "vite",
"build": "vite-react-ssg build"
For SSG of an index page only (i.e. without react-router-dom
import vite-react-ssg/single-page
// src/main.tsx
import { ViteReactSSG } from 'vite-react-ssg/single-page'
import App from './App.tsx'
export const createRoot = ViteReactSSG(<App />)
The RouteObject of vite-react-ssg is based on react-router, and vite-react-ssg receives some additional properties.
The getStaticPaths()
function should return an array of path
to determine which paths will be pre-rendered by vite-react-ssg.
This function is only valid for dynamic route.
const route = {
path: 'nest/:b',
lazy: () => import('./pages/nest/[b]'),
entry: 'src/pages/nest/[b].tsx',
// To determine which paths will be pre-rendered
getStaticPaths: () => ['nest/b1', 'nest/b2'],
You are not required to use this field. It is only necessary when "prehydration style loss" occurs. It should be the path from root to the target file.
eg: src/pages/page1.tsx
These options work well with the lazy
// src/pages/[page].tsx
export function Component() {
return (
<div>{/* your component */}</div>
export function getStaticPaths() {
return ['page1', 'page2']
// src/routes.ts
const routes = [
path: '/:page',
lazy: () => import('./pages/[page]'),
Note that during the build process, vite-react-ssg
will automatically detect the files directly dynamically imported in the function you pass to the lazy
field. This helps vite-react-ssg
to get the route's style files or other static resources during the build, preventing flash of unstyled content.
If you still encounter FOUC (flash of unstyled content), please open an issue.
If your component isn't loading, make sure you have wrapped it or its parent in Suspense
tags as described in the React documentation.
See example.
You can use react-router-dom's loader
to fetch data at build time and use useLoaderData
to get the data in the component.
In production, the loader
will only be executed at build time, and the data will be fetched by the manifest generated at build time during the browser navigations .
In the development environment, the loader
also runs only on the server.It provides data to the HTML during initial server rendering, and during browser route navigations , it makes calls to the server by initiating a fetch on the service.
import { useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom'
export default function Docs() {
const data = useLoaderData() as Awaited<ReturnType<typeof loader>>
return (
{/* eslint-disable-next-line react-dom/no-dangerously-set-innerhtml */}
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: data.packageCodeHtml }} style={{ textAlign: 'start' }}></div>
export const Component = Docs
export const entry = 'src/pages/json.tsx'
export async function loader() {
// The code here will not be executed on the client side, and the modules imported will not be sent to the client.
const fs = (await import('node:fs'))
const cwd = process.cwd()
const json = (await import('../docs/test.json')).default
const packageJson = await fs.promises.readFile(`${cwd}/package.json`, 'utf-8')
const { codeToHtml } = await import('shiki')
const packageJsonHtml = await codeToHtml(packageJson, { lang: 'json', theme: 'vitesse-light' })
return {
packageCodeHtml: packageJsonHtml,
If you need to render some component in browser only, you can wrap your component with <ClientOnly>
import { ClientOnly } from 'vite-react-ssg'
function MyComponent() {
return (
{() => {
return <div>{window.location.href}</div>
It's important that the children of
is not a JSX element, but a function that returns an element. Because React will try to render children, and may use the client's API on the server.
You can use <Head/>
to manage all of your changes to the document head. It takes plain HTML tags and outputs plain HTML tags. It is a wrapper around React Helmet.
import { Head } from 'vite-react-ssg'
function MyHead() {
return (
<meta property="og:description" content="My custom description" />
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<title>My Title</title>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
Nested or latter components will override duplicate usages:
import { Head } from 'vite-react-ssg'
function MyHead() {
return (
<title>My Title</title>
<meta name="description" content="Helmet application" />
<title>Nested Title</title>
<meta name="description" content="Nested component" />
<title>Nested Title</title>
<meta name="description" content="Nested component" />
import { useState } from 'react'
import { Head } from 'vite-react-ssg'
export default function MyHead() {
const [state, setState] = useState(false)
return (
<meta charSet="UTF-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/vite.svg" />
<title>head test {state ? 'A' : 'B'}</title>
{/* You can also set the 'body' attributes here */}
<body className={`body-class-in-head-${state ? 'a' : 'b'}`} />
Just set base
in vite.config.ts like:
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react-swc'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
base: '/base-path',
// main.ts
import { ViteReactSSG } from 'vite-react-ssg'
import { routes } from './App'
import './index.css'
export const createRoot = ViteReactSSG(
// pass your BASE_URL
basename: import.meta.env.BASE_URL,
Vite React SSG will give it to the react-router's basename
See: react-router's create-browser-router
Use the getStyleCollector
option to specify an SSR/SSG style collector. Currently only supports styled-components
import { ViteReactSSG } from 'vite-react-ssg'
import getStyledComponentsCollector from 'vite-react-ssg/style-collectors/styled-components'
import { routes } from './App.js'
import './index.css'
export const createRoot = ViteReactSSG(
{ routes },
() => { },
{ getStyleCollector: getStyledComponentsCollector }
You can provide your own by looking at the implementation of any of the existing collectors.
Vite React SSG has built-in support for generating Critical CSS inlined in the HTML via the beasties
Install it with:
npm i -D beasties
Critical CSS generation will automatically be enabled for you.
To configure beasties
, pass its options
into ssgOptions.beastiesOptions
in vite.config.ts
// vite.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
ssgOptions: {
beastiesOptions: {
// E.g., change the preload strategy
preload: 'media',
// Other options:
You can pass options to Vite SSG in the ssgOptions
field of your vite.config.js
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [],
ssgOptions: {
script: 'async',
interface ViteReactSSGOptions {
* Set the scripts' loading mode. Only works for `type="module"`.
* @default 'sync'
script?: 'sync' | 'async' | 'defer' | 'async defer'
* Build format.
* @default 'esm'
format?: 'esm' | 'cjs'
* The path of the main entry file (relative to the project root).
* @default 'src/main.ts'
entry?: string
* Mock browser global variables (window, document, etc...) from SSG.
* @default false
mock?: boolean
* Apply formatter to the generated index file.
* **It will cause Hydration Failed.**
* @default 'none'
formatting?: 'prettify' | 'none'
* Vite environment mode.
mode?: string
* Directory style of the output directory.
* flat: `/foo` -> `/foo.html`
* nested: `/foo` -> `/foo/index.html`
* @default 'flat'
dirStyle?: 'flat' | 'nested'
* Generate for all routes, including dynamic routes.
* If enabled, you will need to configure your serve
* manually to handle dynamic routes properly.
* @default false
includeAllRoutes?: boolean
* Options for the beasties packages.
* @see
beastiesOptions?: BeastiesOptions | false
* Custom function to modify the routes to do the SSG.
* Works only when `includeAllRoutes` is set to false.
* Defaults to a handler that filters out all the dynamic routes.
* When passing your custom handler, you should also take care of the dynamic routes yourself.
includedRoutes?: (paths: string[], routes: Readonly<RouteRecord[]>) => Promise<string[]> | string[]
* Callback to be called before every page render.
* It can be used to transform the project's `index.html` file before passing it to the renderer.
* To do so, you can change the 'index.html' file contents (passed in through the `indexHTML` parameter), and return it.
* The returned value will then be passed to renderer.
onBeforePageRender?: (route: string, indexHTML: string, appCtx: ViteReactSSGContext<true>) => Promise<string | null | undefined> | string | null | undefined
* Callback to be called on every rendered page.
* It can be used to transform the current route's rendered HTML.
* To do so, you can transform the route's rendered HTML (passed in through the `renderedHTML` parameter), and return it.
* The returned value will be used as the HTML of the route.
onPageRendered?: (route: string, renderedHTML: string, appCtx: ViteReactSSGContext<true>) => Promise<string | null | undefined> | string | null | undefined
onFinished?: () => Promise<void> | void
* The application's root container `id`.
* @default `root`
rootContainerId?: string
* The size of the SSG processing queue.
* @default 20
concurrency?: number
See src/types.ts. for more options available.
You can use the includedRoutes
hook to include or exclude route paths to render, or even provide some completely custom ones.
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [],
ssgOptions: {
includedRoutes(paths, routes) {
// exclude all the route paths that contains 'foo'
return paths.filter(i => !i.includes('foo'))
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [],
ssgOptions: {
includedRoutes(paths, routes) {
// use original route records
return routes.flatMap(route => {
return === 'Blog'
? => `/blog/${slug}`)
: route.path
export default defineConfig({
server: {
https: true,
- Preload assets
- Document head
- SSR in dev environment
- More Client components, such as
<ClientOnly />
for dynamic routes
This project inspired by vite-ssg, thanks to @antfu for his awesome work.