An interface repo for ccaetit-exemplar-api-producer
UpdatedDec 12, 2023 -
Vericane Public
Vericane Mafia magazine webpage for the Aminu-Bassai Group
Anime-Recommender Public
An application that recommends anime's based on a given category
JavaScript UpdatedJan 11, 2023 -
Django-Library Public
This is a library created to practice Django backend skills
Python UpdatedJan 2, 2023 -
fp_study_notes_hello_github Public
Forked from LaFosseAcademy/lfa-hello-githubHello Github!
UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
User-Input-Flask Public
A fan page for a musical artist based on their accomplishments.
Python UpdatedDec 19, 2022 -
Flask-TDEE-Calculator Public
A TDEE Calculator created using Flask to store and present values back to users
Python UpdatedDec 19, 2022 -
React-Github-Repo-Tracker Public
an application that makes use of Github's API in order to return a given user's repository.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 30, 2022 -
Music-Fan-Page Public
A fan page for a musical artist to increase React skills.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 24, 2022 -
Fullstack-Login-Page Public
Login and Registration created to practice fullstack applications.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 20, 2022 -
express-practice Public
This repo was created to document my use of expressjs
JavaScript UpdatedNov 3, 2022 -
Orijournal Public
This is an application based around journaling where users can create entries & view other user entries. This can be seen at https://orijournal.herokuapp.com/
Search-Engine Public
This is a replica search engine given as a challenge from FutureProof.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 25, 2022 -
Weather-Checker Public
An application that utilizes the use of an API to get the weather of a given city.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 21, 2022 -
Anime-Quote-Generator Public
Usage of APIs to retrieve and display anime quotes to users.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 19, 2022 -
JavaScript_In_The_Browser Public
This is a repo for an assignment given by futureproof
About-me Public
This repository will be things about me used to practice Git & Github
HTML UpdatedOct 10, 2022 -
Spotify-Music-Bot Public
A bot created with nodejs that uses various APIs in order to generate a spotify playlist based on a given emotion, created at IronHack's code along event.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 3, 2022 -
Quiz-app Public
A react project of a quiz application. This was developed to further my knowledge of the language. This can be seen at: https://sport-quiz.netlify.app/
JavaScript UpdatedSep 21, 2022 -
TDEE-Calculator Public
A react project of a TDEE Calculator which allows users to know how many calories they burn daily. This was developed to further my knowledge of the language.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 11, 2022 -
user-form Public
A react project of a form which allows users to create an account (front-end only). This was developed to further my knowledge of the language.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 16, 2022 -
Todo-List Public
A react project of a todo-list used to further my knowledge of the language - this can be seen at https://todo-list-dt.netlify.app/
JavaScript UpdatedAug 14, 2022 -
BMI-calculator Public
Calculator that takes two inputs (height and weight) and returns BMI. Written with HTML, CSS and javascript.
CSS UpdatedDec 29, 2021 -
Smoking-Cessation-Project Public
Final year undergraduate project created on the topic of 'smoking cessation' using react native, mysql and nodejs
JavaScript UpdatedJun 30, 2021