Arduino and Android classes to easily connect your mobile device with an Arduino board. With the example bellow, we can send a message to Android using Arduino.
I had tested this lib with BC417 module, but I believe that this class works with major part of modules, because all of them use the same protocol. If you test other module, working or not, please, just start a new issue here to help me. If you have any problem, start an issue here too that I will try to help you.
import com.aronbordin.*;
/*make sure to use the same name of the robot.
And check if it's paired with your device */
BluetoothArduino mBlue = BluetoothArduino.getInstance("ExampleRobot");
void setup(){
void draw(){
String msg = mBlue.getLastMessage();
text(msg, 100, 100);
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "bluetooth.h"
Bluetooth *blue = new Bluetooth("ExampleRobot");
void setup(){
void loop(){
String msg = blue->Read();
if(msg.length() > 1){
Serial.print("Received: ");
blue->Send("Example message#");
int getrxPin(); Get the RX Pin
void setrxPin(int rx); Set the RX Pin
int gettxPin(); Get the TX Pin
void settxPin(int tx); Set the TX Pin
void setupBluetooth(); Run it on setup(). It will configure all bluetooth prefenreces for you. After run it, you cannot change any settings of your bluetooth, like pin, or name
Bluetooth(char name[]); Create a Bluetooth object with the name
Bluetooth(char name[], int r, int t); Create a Bluetooth object with the name and pins
String Read(); Read char by char the data receive
void Send(char c[]); Send a string to any connected deive
*char getName(); Get the device name
void setName(char c[]); Set the device name
Important! This class will read char by char until get the delimiter char(a char that represents the end of the string). By default is '#', but you can chage it with setDelimiter(char d);
BluetoothArduino getInstance(String n); Get/Create a Bluetooth instance with the robot name. The name provided will be used in the connection
boolean isBluetoothEnabled(); Check if the device bluetooth is enabled
boolean Connect(); Connect to the Arduino board.
boolean hasMensagem(int i); Check if had already received a message
String getMenssage(int i); Get the Message by ID
void clearMessages(); Clear all messages
int countMessages(); Count messages
String getLastMessage(); Get the last message received
void SendMessage(String msg); Send a message to the Arduino
char getDelimiter(); Get the end message character
void setDelimiter(char d); Set the end message character