Module that adds the ability to generate Carousels/Sliders to your SilverStripe website.
- SilverStripe Framework: 4.*
- SilverStripe CMS: 4.*
Either via composer:
composer require "dft/silverstripe-carousel"
Then run:
./vendor/bin/sake dev/build flush=1
or (from your browser):
The following is a quick guide to getting using this module:
Once installed, you have to add the following template variable to any templates you require a carousel to appear on:
Next, log into the admin interface and edit the page you want to add a carousel to.
Then click the "Settings" tab, and tick the "show carousel" checkbox.
Once this is done you will be able to set the following fields:
- Width and Height settings (this will determine the size of the rendered images)
- Show Controls (this will add next/prev buttons) NOTE if you want this to work correctly, you will need to disable hash rewrites in SilverStripe
- Show Indicators (show the blips at the bottom of aa page).
- Interval (how quickly will each slide be displayed).
Once you have finished configuring, you can go back to the "content" tab and a "carousel" tab should have appeared in the right hand side of the editing pane.
You can now add slides, attach images and edit their titles.
By default this module uses Bootstrap 4 carousel from a CDN. If you
want to use your own carousel, you will need to copy the
template into your theme and amend the HTML and
Requirements calls