Gateway test server for Decentralized Science
This gateway server acts as a bridge between IPFS and Ethereum to run Decentralized Science.
If you want to run the platform locally, first you need to be able to connect to Ethereum and IPFS in the same machine. To do so, you must have the following dependencies:
First the gateway server needs access to IPFS and run its daemon.
You can download the last version of IPFS in
After the installation, start IPFS with the following steps via console commands:
Initialize IPFS local repository
ipfs init
Launch IPFS daemon
ipfs daemon
In order to be able to make transactions to the platform, the web browser must be connected to Ethereum.
You can install Metamask extension
or a web browser like Brave
or Mist
In order to run the IPFS gateway, you must launch a local server in your machine.
To test this project, install ganache client:
npm install -g ganache-cli
and launch it
Then you can visit the home page of the prototype at http://localhost:8081
There, you can deploy the reputation hub.
Then you can create a journal and get the Ethereum address.
The platform now can be accessed via<paste_address_here>
If you want to run the platform in a local test network instead of the ones provided by Ethereum you must install ganache-cli
. Make sure you have Node.js (>= v6.11.5) installed.
npm install -g ganache-cli
Once installed get your Ethereum's account private key through Metamask options. Then launch ganache-cli with the command:
ganache-cli --account="0x<your-private-key>,100000000000000000000"
contains the smart contacts file. In order to run the platform, the contract must be deployed in Ethereum.
contains the contrat ABI's to connect JavaScript with Ethereum.
contains JavaScript files.
contains some JSON files to test the platform's behaviour.
contains some style files.