#Build Dela
assembly.sh <base-dir>
Takes as parameter a base-dir, creates a "build" folder there and clones: caracaldb, kafak-util, ktoolbox, nattraversal, gvod, dozy in order to build dela fat jar and base default config files.
The final result can be found in build/dela
deploy.sh <base-dir>
Takes as parameter the same base-dir as assembly.sh and looks for build/dela to tar it and deploy it to snurran
install.sh <install-dir> <tar>
Takes as parameter the install dir and the file location of the dela tar.gz. The install also completes the application.conf by appending to it the location of config.yml
#Run Dela
After the installation in install-dir/bin we have:
start.sh <run-dir>
Takes as parameter the run-dir, which should be the same as the install-dir above.
stop.sh <run-dir>
Takes as parameter the run-dir, which should be the same as the install-dir above.
- clone this repository - we assume you didn't change dir-name: dela-scripts
- cd dela-scripts
- run assembly.sh with current dir as base-dir:
./assembly.sh .
- When assemly finishes, you will have in dela-scripts a build directory with all the cloned dependencies installed and a build/dela directory with a basic dela skeleton dir.
- Run deploy.sh to deploy tar with skeleton to your server(snurran)
./deploy.sh .
- At this point you will have a tar.gz in build/dela and this tar.gz will be deployed to snurran
- Install the dela skeleton. Download the tar.gz from snurran or in our case we have it in build/dela and run install
At this point you will have the my_dela_install folder with the finalized dela skeleton
./install.sh my_dela_install build/dela/dela-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Start dela
./my_dela_install/bin/start.sh my_dela_install
- Stop dela
./my_dela_install/bin/stop.sh my_dela_install