HTTP web3 wrapper for polkamarkets-js
env variable (e.g., Infura for Ethereum dapps)
yarn install
yarn dev
Smart Contract Method Queries:
// method - method name (example: getMarketData)
// args - method arguments, comma separated (example: 1,2)
// contractAddress - smart contract address (example: 0xDcBe79f74c98368141798eA0b7b979B9bA54b026)
Smart Contract Event Queries:
// eventName - event name (example: MarketActionTx)
// filter - event filter json (example: {"marketId":"1"})
// contractAddress - smart contract address (example: 0xDcBe79f74c98368141798eA0b7b979B9bA54b026)
Contributions are welcomed but we ask to red existing code guidelines, specially the code format. Please review Contributor guidelines
The usage of ETH in all methods or params means using the native currency of that blockchain, example BSC in Binance Chain would still be nominated as ETH