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code cleanup, removed some unused stuff
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DedeHai committed May 5, 2024


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1 parent ac5399a commit 2558156
Showing 3 changed files with 180 additions and 362 deletions.
54 changes: 16 additions & 38 deletions wled00/FX.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7968,16 +7968,14 @@ uint16_t mode_particlevortex(void)

//TODO: speed increment is still wrong, it only works in autochange, manual change to a lower speed does not work. need to make it better.

// set rotation direction and speed
// can use direction flag to determine current direction
bool direction = SEGMENT.check2; //no automatic direction change, set it to flag
int32_t currentspeed = (int32_t)SEGMENT.step; // make a signed integer out of step

if (SEGMENT.custom2 > 0) // automatic direction change enabled
// speedincrement = 1 + (SEGMENT.speed >> 5) + (SEGMENT.custom2 >> 2);
uint16_t changeinterval = (270 - SEGMENT.custom2);
direction = SEGMENT.aux1 & 0x02; //set direction according to flag

@@ -8014,22 +8012,6 @@ uint16_t mode_particlevortex(void)

// calculate angle offset for an even distribution
uint16_t angleoffset = 0xFFFF / spraycount;

//int32_t particlespeeddiv = ((263 - SEGMENT.intensity) >> 3);
//int32_t particlespeed = 127/particlespeeddiv; //just for testing, need to replace this with angle emit and come up with a new speed calculation
//particle speed goes from 7 to 128 (sin cos return 15bit value but with sign)

// for (j = 0; j < spraycount; j++) //TODO: use angle emit
// {

// calculate the x and y speed using aux0 as the 16bit angle. returned value by sin16/cos16 is 16bit, shifting it by 8 bits results in +/-128, divide that by custom1 slider value
// PartSys->sources[j].vx = (cos16(SEGMENT.aux0 + angleoffset * j) >> 8) / particlespeeddiv; // update spray angle (rotate all sprays with angle offset)
// PartSys->sources[j].vy = (sin16(SEGMENT.aux0 + angleoffset * j) >> 8) / particlespeeddiv; // update spray angle (rotate all sprays with angle offset)
// PartSys->sources[j].var = (SEGMENT.custom3 >> 1); // emiting variation = nozzle size (custom 3 goes from 0-32)
// }

//test to check if less particles are ok at lower speeds.
uint32_t skip = PS_P_HALFRADIUS/(SEGMENT.intensity + 1) + 1;
if ( % skip == 0)
@@ -8072,7 +8054,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlefireworks(void)
if ( == 0) // initialization
if (!initParticleSystem(PartSys, NUMBEROFSOURCES, true)) // init with advanced particle properties
return mode_static(); // allocation failed; //allocation failed
return mode_static(); // allocation failed
PartSys->setKillOutOfBounds(true); //out of bounds particles dont return (except on top, taken care of by gravity setting)
PartSys->setWallHardness(100); //ground bounce is fixed
numRockets = min(PartSys->numSources, (uint8_t)NUMBEROFSOURCES);
@@ -8095,7 +8077,6 @@ uint16_t mode_particlefireworks(void)

//PartSys->setWallHardness(SEGMENT.custom2); //not used anymore, can be removed
PartSys->setGravity(map(SEGMENT.custom3,0,31,0,10)); // todo: make it a slider to adjust

// check each rocket's state and emit particles according to its state: moving up = emit exhaust, at top = explode; falling down = standby time
@@ -8168,6 +8149,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlefireworks(void)
//TODO: this does not look good. adjust or remove completely
if( PartSys->sources[j].source.vy < 0) //explosion is ongoing
if(i < (emitparticles>>2)) //set 1/4 of particles to larger size
@@ -8193,7 +8175,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlefireworks(void)
if (PartSys->sources[j].source.ttl)
PartSys->particleMoveUpdate(PartSys->sources[j].source); //todo: need different settings for rocket?
else if (PartSys->sources[j].source.vy > 0) // rocket has died and is moving up. stop it so it will explode (is handled in the code above)
@@ -8218,7 +8200,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlefireworks(void)
PartSys->sources[j].minLife = 10;
PartSys->sources[j].vx = 0; // emitting speed
PartSys->sources[j].vy = 0; // emitting speed
PartSys->sources[j].var = 5; // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var/2)
PartSys->sources[j].var = 3; // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var/2)

@@ -8296,7 +8278,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlevolcano(void)
PartSys->sources[i].source.vx > 0 ? SEGMENT.custom1 >> 4 : -(SEGMENT.custom1 >> 4); // set moving speed but keep the direction
PartSys->sources[i].vy = SEGMENT.speed >> 2; // emitting speed
PartSys->sources[i].vx = 0;
PartSys->sources[i].var = SEGMENT.custom3 | 0x01; // emiting variation = nozzle size (custom 3 goes from 0-31), only use odd numbers
PartSys->sources[i].var = SEGMENT.custom3 >> 1; // emiting variation = nozzle size (custom 3 goes from 0-31)
// spray[j].source.hue = random16(); //set random color for each particle (using palette) -> does not look good
PartSys->particleMoveUpdate(PartSys->sources[i].source); //move the source (also applies gravity, which is corrected for above, that is a hack but easier than creating more particlesettings)
@@ -8385,7 +8367,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlefire(void)
PartSys->sources[i].minLife = 4;
PartSys->sources[i].vx = (int8_t)random(-3, 3); // emitting speed (sideways)
PartSys->sources[i].vy = 5 + (firespeed >> 2); // emitting speed (upwards) -> this is good
PartSys->sources[i].var = (random16(2 + (firespeed >> 5)) + 3) | 0x01; // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var/2), only use odd numbers
PartSys->sources[i].var = (random16(1 + (firespeed >> 5)) + 2); // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var)

@@ -8588,7 +8570,6 @@ uint16_t mode_particlewaterfall(void)
PartSys->sources[i].maxLife = 400; // lifetime in frames
PartSys->sources[i].minLife = 150;
PartSys->sources[i].var = 7; // emiting variation
@@ -8627,7 +8608,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlewaterfall(void)
PartSys->sources[i].vy = -SEGMENT.speed >> 3; // emitting speed, down
PartSys->sources[i].source.x = map(SEGMENT.custom3, 0, 31, 0, (PartSys->maxXpixel - numSprays * 2) * PS_P_RADIUS) + i * PS_P_RADIUS * 2; // emitter position
PartSys->sources[i].source.y = PartSys->maxY + (PS_P_RADIUS * ((i<<2) + 4)); // source y position, few pixels above the top to increase spreading before entering the matrix
PartSys->sources[i].var = (SEGMENT.custom1 >> 3) | 0x01; // emiting variation 0-32, only use odd numbers
PartSys->sources[i].var = (SEGMENT.custom1 >> 3); // emiting variation 0-32

for (i = 0; i < numSprays; i++)
@@ -8918,7 +8899,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particleimpact(void)
PartSys->sources[i].source.ttl = random16((255 - SEGMENT.speed)) + 10; // standby time til next launch (in frames at 42fps, max of 265 is about 6 seconds
PartSys->sources[i].vy = (SEGMENT.custom1 >> 2); // emitting speed y
PartSys->sources[i].var = (SEGMENT.custom1 >> 1) | 0x01; // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var/2), only use odd numbers
PartSys->sources[i].var = (SEGMENT.custom1 >> 2); // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var)
@@ -8935,7 +8916,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particleimpact(void)
PartSys->sources[i].maxLife = 60; // spark particle life
PartSys->sources[i].minLife = 20;
PartSys->sources[i].vy = -9; // emitting speed (down)
PartSys->sources[i].var = 5; // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var/2)
PartSys->sources[i].var = 3; // speed variation around vx,vy (+/- var)

@@ -8977,8 +8958,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particleattractor(void)
PartSys->sources[0].maxLife = 350; // lifetime in frames
PartSys->sources[0].minLife = 50;
PartSys->sources[0].var = 7; // emiting variation
PartSys->sources[0].size = 100; //!!! debug remove this again
PartSys->sources[0].var = 4; // emiting variation
PartSys->setWallHardness(255); //bounce forever
PartSys->setWallRoughness(200); //randomize wall bounce
@@ -9089,7 +9069,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particleattractor(void)
PartSys->sources[0].vx = 0; // emitting speed
PartSys->sources[0].vy = 0; // emitting speed
PartSys->sources[0].var = 7; // emiting variation
PartSys->sources[0].var = 4; // emiting variation
PartSys = reinterpret_cast<ParticleSystem *>(; // if not first call, just set the pointer to the PS
@@ -9189,7 +9169,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particlespray(void)
PartSys->sources[0].maxLife = 300; // lifetime in frames
PartSys->sources[0].minLife = 100;
PartSys->sources[0].source.collide = true; // seeded particles will collide (if enabled)
PartSys->sources[0].var = 7;
PartSys->sources[0].var = 3;

@@ -9218,10 +9198,9 @@ uint16_t mode_particlespray(void)
if ( % (11 - (SEGMENT.intensity / 25)) == 0) // every nth frame, cycle color and emit particles
PartSys->sources[0].source.hue++; // = random16(); //change hue of spray source
// PartSys->sources[i].var = SEGMENT.custom3; // emiting variation = nozzle size (custom 3 goes from 0-32)
// PartSys->sources[i].var = SEGMENT.custom3; // emiting variation = nozzle size (custom 3 goes from 0-32)
PartSys->sources[0].source.x = map(SEGMENT.custom1, 0, 255, 0, PartSys->maxX);
PartSys->sources[0].source.y = map(SEGMENT.custom2, 0, 255, 0, PartSys->maxY);

// spray[j].source.hue = random16(); //set random color for each particle (using palette)
PartSys->angleEmit(PartSys->sources[0], (256 - (((int32_t)SEGMENT.custom3 + 1) << 3)) << 8, SEGMENT.speed >> 2);
@@ -9381,8 +9360,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particleghostrider(void)
// Particle System settings
PartSys->updateSystem(); // update system properties (dimensions and data pointers)
PartSys->sources[0].var = (1 + (SEGMENT.custom3>>1)) | 0x01; //odd numbers only
PartSys->sources[0].var = SEGMENT.custom3 >> 1;

//color by age (PS color by age always starts with hue = 255 so cannot use that)
@@ -9404,7 +9382,7 @@ uint16_t mode_particleghostrider(void)
int8_t newvy = ((int32_t)sin16(SEGMENT.aux0) * speed) / (int32_t)32767;
PartSys->sources[0].source.vx = ((int32_t)cos16(SEGMENT.aux0) * speed) / (int32_t)32767;
PartSys->sources[0].source.vy = ((int32_t)sin16(SEGMENT.aux0) * speed) / (int32_t)32767;
PartSys->sources[0].source.ttl = 500; //source never dies
PartSys->sources[0].source.ttl = 500; //source never dies (note: setting 'perpetual' is not needed if replenished each frame)
PartSys->particleMoveUpdate(PartSys->sources[0].source, &ghostsettings);
//set head (steal one of the particles)
PartSys->particles[PartSys->usedParticles-1].x = PartSys->sources[0].source.x;

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