Senior Blockchain Full-Stack Developer
- Serbia
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/deejayelly
- @aleks_eLLy
EIPs Public
Forked from ethereum/EIPsThe Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
Data vs Corona Hackaton - Patient Recovery Data Application Frontend - Covid-19
day-of-the-dead-nft Public
Day of the Dead NFT project
Avaloq Bookmarks Manager Test App
Custom Deal - Custom Deal Platform Front-End (https://custom-deal.com/)
Custom Deal ICO Smart Contracts - CDL Token (https://custom-deal.com/)
XCHNG-Solidity-Mini-Project Public
XCHNG Solidity Mini Project
notifications-component Public
Notifications Component in Angular 6
trufflesuite.com Public
Forked from trufflesuite/trufflesuite.comTruffle Suite website source
simple-ethereum-explorer Public
Simple ethereum explorer
multisender Public
Forked from rstormsf/multisenderToken Multisender Dapp smart contract. Airdrop tokens. Batch sending ERC20, ETH, Ethereum tokens. Send thousands of transfers in a few transactions
origin-playground Public
Forked from OriginProtocol/origin-playgroundPlayground for us to try out new ideas, specifically around Identity (ERC 725) & the Origin Marketplace
trainJourneyManagment Public
Front-End Task - trainJourneyManagment
core Public
Forked from ArkEcosystem/coreThe Ark Blockchain 🎆
mycrypto.com Public
Forked from MyCryptoHQ/mycrypto.com -
grav Public
Forked from getgrav/gravModern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS
crypto-js Public
Forked from brix/crypto-jsJavaScript library of crypto standards.
angular5-example-app Public
Forked from Ismaestro/angular-example-appAngular 5 Example App + Angular CLI + Angular Material + Docker + Angular Example Library
zeppelin-solidity Public
Forked from OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contractsOpenZeppelin, a framework to build secure smart contracts on Ethereum
parity Public
Forked from openethereum/parity-ethereumFast, light, robust Ethereum implementation.
solc-js Public
Forked from ethereum/solc-jsJavascript bindings for the solidity compiler
truffle Public
Forked from trufflesuite/truffleThe most popular Ethereum development framework
generator-ngx-rocket Public
Forked from ngx-rocket/generator-ngx-rocketExtensible Angular 5+ enterprise-grade project generator