Screen recording of app working:
This program scrapes Kaiser's website for Redwood City physician info, retrieves 60 physician records in json data format, and displays in a basic html table with json2html
Data structure for each record: {'physicianName': name, 'physicianSpecialty': specialty, 'practicingAddress': fullAddress, 'phone': phone}
- Utilizes puppeteer to navigate dom and select text from desired elements such as .specialtyMargin and .doctorOffice.
- Waits for html elements to load before scraping data from the page and pushing json records into an array
- Clicks 'Next' in navigation to populate next 20 records and pushes to array, repeats twice for a total of 60 records
- Lastly json data/html format is sent by express route
To run program locally, pull the branch, then run npm install to get dependencies. In terminal once in program directory, run command 'node scrape.js'. Go to browser http://localhost:3000/kaiser. The scrape may take about 10-15 seconds as the kaiser pages take some time to load.