Step1: Create a conda environment with Python=3.9. Command:
conda create --name mmsports-py39 python=3.9
Step2: Install Pytorch with CUDA 11.8. Command:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Step3: Install mmdetection 3.1.0 (we will use it as a dependency). Command:
pip install -U openmim
mim install "mmengine==0.8.4"
mim install "mmcv>=2.0.0"
mim install "mmdet==3.1.0"
Step4: We also use some backbones from mmpretrain. Command:
mim install "mmpretrain[multimodal]>=1.0.0rc8"
Other packages can be install by pip or conda --forge. Please check requirements.txt for more detail
Step1: extract and prepare dataset folder as follow:
├── annotaions
│ ├── challenge.json
│ ├── test.json
│ ├── train.json
│ ├── val.json
│ ├── trainval.json
│ └── trainvaltest.json
└── (image folders)
Step2: we also use a specialized CopyPaste augmentation technique. To train models with our CopyPaste technique, you need to prepare a folder that contains all ground-truth instances from trainning set. Run the bellow command:
python utils/ data_root mode
A {mode}_cropped_objects folder will be created inside the data folder.
Step3 (optional): In case you want to visualize the augmented images, we provide a tool to help you. Run the below command:
python utils/ data_config --output-dir data_sample --not-show
Everything in mmdet is about config. Before starting with mmdet, you should read their tutorial first. mmdetection (or mmdet) is built on top of a core package called mmengine. I highly recommend you to check their homepage and github for detail documentation and tutorials.
Or read their config explanation at least:
Our dataset config can be found at:
Our model configs:
Create a config for your experiment and save in ./configs folder. Then run below command:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python config_path model_name
Training outputs (checkpoints, logs, merged config, tensorboard log, etc.) will be available in ./output/(model_name) folder
We also support distributed training. Run the below command:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 config_path model_name --launcher pytorch
To apply SWA (Stochastic Weight Averaging) after the main training is finished. Run the bellow command (you can use single GPU or Distributed training):
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 config_path last_checkpoint model_name --launcher pytorch
After that, use utils/ to average all checkpoints exported by swa training process:
python utils/ checkpoint_dir
After training a model, you can export submission result. Submission can be produced on val set or test set (if val set, you can see the evalution score). Run below commands:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python config_path checkpoint_path [--valid] [--tta]
If you produce result on test set, omit --valid. If you want to apply TTA (test time augmentation), use --tta
All results should be in ./output folder. After running the test command, you can find the inference result as "challenge-output.json". Now it is ready to submit to the test server.
Our last checkpoint and config for the competition can be found here
Our technical report can be found here