awsps is a command-line tool used to switch between different AWS profiles.
Install awsps using pip:
$ pip install awsps
# or from git
$ pip install git+
$ awsps -ls
Available Profiles:
1) profile1
2) profile2
3) profile3
4) default_awsps (A copy of your default profile)
$ awsps -cp
The current AWS profile is default_awsps
$ awsps -sp
1) profile1
2) profile2
3) profile3
4) default_awsps
Enter profile to select: 1
Profile switched to profile1
$ awsps -h
usage: awsps [-h] [-ls] [-cp] [-sp]
AWS Profile Switcher
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ls, --list List available Profiles
-cp, --current Get Current Profile
-sp, --switch Switch AWS Profile
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