Some basic steps:
- Install the Heroku Toolbelt. Note that we do not put the heroku gem into our Gemfile; developers should install the toolbelt directly. Also, OSX users must use
brew install heroku
to install it; do not download the PKG from Heroku (see this). - Install RVM (Tips for OSX: here, but only install RVM right now.)
Then do the following. But note:
- This assumes your postgresql version is 9.4
- Feel free to use your own name, but always use a email address in your git config - we probably assigned one to you
- Use the password 'octopus' when prompted (it's in the template database.yml)
Why is there a mongodb installation here? Didn't we remove mongodb from the project long ago?
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev mongodb nodejs libmagickwand-dev imagemagick
brew doctor
brew install postgresql
brew install mongodb
brew install nodejs
rvm install 2.2.2
git clone
cd octopus
git remote rename origin github
git config "____"
git config ""
git config push.default matching
gem install bundler solano mailcatcher
bundle --without production
If non-OSX
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER octopus WITH CREATEDB PASSWORD 'octopus';"
createuser -P -S -R -d octopus
For everyone
cp config/database.local.yml config/database.yml
rake db:create
rake full_reset:alpha
If rake db:create
doesn't work, then try this:
sudo -u postgres createdb -Ooctopus -Eutf8 octopus_development
sudo -u postgres createdb -Ooctopus -Eutf8 octopus_test
rake full_reset:dev
If you're going to do deployments then you need to set up the git remotes:
git remote add alpha
git remote add beta
git remote add prod
Plus you'll need to add your key:
heroku keys:add --remote alpha
heroku keys:add --remote beta
heroku keys:add --remote prod
No info.
To run the local development server:
foreman start
Then browse to http://localhost:3000
On Alpha, the seed login is
with password secretpassword123