The NzoUrlEncryptorBundle is a Symfony Bundle used to Encrypt and Decrypt data and variables in the Web application or passed through the URL
to provide more security to the project.
Also it prevent users from reading and modifying sensitive data sent through the URL
Features include:
- Compatible Symfony version 2, 3 & 4
- Url Data & parameters Encryption
- Url Data & parameters Decryption
- Data Encryption & Decryption
- Access from Twig by ease
- Flexible configuration
- Compatible php version 5 & 7
- Uses OpenSSL extension
Install the bundle:
$ composer require nzo/url-encryptor-bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\NzoUrlEncryptorBundle(),
Configure your secret encryption key:
# app/config/config.yml (Symfony V2 or V3)
# config/packages/nzo_url_encryptor.yaml (Symfony V4)
secret_key: YourSecretEncryptionKey # optional, max length of 100 characters.
secret_iv: YourIvEncryptionKey # optional, max length of 100 characters.
cipher_algorithm: # optional, default: 'aes-256-ctr'
Use the twig extensions filters or functions to encrypt
or decrypt
your data:
// Filters:
# Encryption:
<a href="{{path('my-route', {'id': myId | urlencrypt } )}}"> My link </a>
{{myVar | urlencrypt }}
# Decryption:
<a href="{{path('my-route', {'id': myId | urldecrypt } )}}"> My link </a>
{{myVar | urldecrypt }}
// Functions:
# Encryption:
<a href="{{path('my-path-in-the-routing', {'id': nzoEncrypt('myId') } )}}"> My link </a>
{{ nzoEncrypt(myVar) }}
# Decryption:
<a href="{{path('my-path-in-the-routing', {'id': nzoDecrypt('myId') } )}}"> My link </a>
{{ nzoDecrypt(myVar) }}
Use the annotation service to decrypt
/ encrypt
automatically any parameter you want, by using the ParamDecryptor
/ ParamEncryptor
annotation service and specifying in it all the parameters to be decrypted/encrypted.
use Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\Annotations\ParamDecryptor;
* @ParamDecryptor(params={"id", "bar"})
public function indexAction($id, $bar)
// no need to use the decryption service here as the parameters are already decrypted by the annotation service.
use Nzo\UrlEncryptorBundle\Annotations\ParamEncryptor;
* @ParamEncryptor(params={"id", "bar"})
public function indexAction($id, $bar)
// no need to use the encryption service here as the parameters are already encrypted by the annotation service.
Use the decrypt
function of the service to decrypt your data:
public function indexAction($id)
$myId = $this->get('nzo_url_encryptor')->decrypt($id);
You can also use the encrypt
function of the service to encrypt your data:
public function indexAction()
$encrypted = $this->get('nzo_url_encryptor')->encrypt($data);
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle: