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fuzzygit aims to ease the usage of common Git commands by applying a simple interactive interface based on fzf.

Handling with multiple files or input arguments on the command line can sometimes become cumbersome. Therefore fuzzygit marries commands such as git add, git restore, git switch with fzf in order select items of interest rather than typing.

fuzzygit demo

Table of Contents


This project started as a personal helper. Additionally, I wanted to improve my basic bash & Linux skills. There might be projects which provide the same (or even better) functionality. Some of them - which I'm aware of - are listed in the Credits section.


The following features are available:

  • fuzzygit <functionName> [<args..>] - Invokes one of the functions, if an argument is passed.
    • E.g. fuzzygit add or fuzzygit hash git show.
    • --help - Shows the help.
  • add - Shows a list of files which can be added to the staging area.
  • branch (contains | no-merged) Lists branches which either contain another branch or which do not contain a certain commit. The desired action is passed as an argument.
  • cherry <branch name> [<git log option>...] - Cherry picks the selected commits from the given branch and the HEAD. The first parameter must be a branch name.
  • flog [<git log option>...] - Lists all items of the git tree and shows the log of the selected item.
  • hash <command for hash> - Shows the commit history and passes the hashes of the selected entries to the command which was given as an argument.
    • E.g. to get detailed information about a commit use hash git show.
  • log [<git log option>...] - Shows the commit history and shows the log between the selected one and the HEAD.
  • restore - Show the list of files in the working area (aka modified files) and restores the version from the local repository.
  • switch [-r] - Shows a list of branches and switches to the selected one.
    • By default, only local branches are shown. To get a list of remote branches, pass -r as an argument.
  • unstage - Shows the list of files which are in the staging area (aka added files) and puts them back into the working area.

<git log option> - By default --stat is passed to git log. To get a different preview, pass a custom flag, like --oneline.


Once fzf lists the available items, choose one or more (depending on the current operation) and confirm by pressing Enter.

Note: If possible, a preview is available. Whether the preview is shown by default may vary depending on your fzf configuration. See Configuration for further information.

In short: usage does not differ from the keybindings of the fzf finder:

Shortcut Action
Tab select
Shift-Tab unselect
Enter confirm selection
Shift-PgUp/PgDown scroll in preview
Ctrl-j/n move cursor up
Ctrl-k/p move cursor down
Ctrl-q/Esc quit


There are several possibilities for you to integrate fuzzygit into your workflow. Choose the one which suits you the most.

  1. Calling the main function and pass an argument to indicate which function should be called: fuzzygit add, fuzzygit switch -r.

  2. Calling the function directly: fg_add, fg_unstage.

  3. Defining a git alias:

    fg = "!f() { bash -c -i 'fuzzygit "$@"' bash "$@"; }; f"

    and invoking via git fg restore, git fg hash git show.


The config file ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/fuzzygit/config will be respected. Just put your favorite values in there.

  • FUZZYGIT_IS_ECHO_STATUS=(true|false) - [default: true] - Toggle fuzzygit status information.
  • FUZZYGIT_PREVIEW_GIT_LOG_OPTS - [default: --stat] - Set the options which are passed to git log when it is used in a preview environment.
  • FUZZYGIT_GIT_LOG_PRETTY_FORMAT - [default: (%ar) %C(bold)%s%C(reset) - %aN%] - Set the pretty log format for git log.
    Note: The pretty format always starts with --pretty=format:%h - . Your config will be appended.


fuzzygit aims to alter your fzf configuration as little as possible. For some features, like the preview, you might consider setting an option, e.g. a binding toggle.

Here's my current configuration as a starting point:

  --layout=reverse \
  --info=inline \
  --multi \
  --cycle \
  --color=dark \
  --preview-window=right:60%:hidden \
  --preview '([[ -f {} ]] && (bat {} || less {})) || ([[ -d {} ]] && (lt {} -L2 | less)) || echo {} 2> /dev/null | head -200' \
  --bind '?:toggle-preview' \
  --bind 'ctrl-a:select-all' \
  --bind 'ctrl-alt-a:deselect-all' \


Just clone the repository to a directory of your choice...

git clone
git clone

...and source the main file.

source <path to repository>/fuzzygit

If you'd like to use fuzzygit permanently consider adding fuzzygit to your PATH.

echo "export PATH=\"$(pwd)/fuzzygit:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc


fzf is required to run:

$ fzf --version
0.21.1 (334a4fa)

Some basic tools are required as well:

  • awk, sed, xargs, printf, tac

Version Overview

Version Date Notes
0.2.0 2020-12-06 Feature release (Release Notes)
0.2.0-beta.1 2020-11-22 Feature release (Release Notes)
0.1.0 2020-09-18 Feature release (Release Notes)
0.1.0-beta.1 2020-09-01 Initial release with a basic feature set.

Whether there will be a roadmap or issue list is a pending matter.



  • fzf - For providing the base functionality fuzzygit is built upon.
  • forgit - "A utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively." Does basically the same as fuzzygit, but did not fit my workflow at the time I discovered it.
  • git-fuzzy - "interactive git with the help of fzf". Another idea of combining Git and fzf. Have a look, if you're looking for a more visual approach.

Useful Third-Party Tools

If not already done check out the following projects which offer nice features to beautify fzf's preview and Git's diff output.

  • bat - A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
  • delta - A viewer for git and diff output.


As of now the status of this project could be labeled as "hobby" and "provided as is". The future of this project depends on my agenda the next time.

But if you would like to contribute either by submitting a bugfix or propose a new feature, feel free to do so. To get in touch and not to lose track of the issue please file a new issue. See CONTRIBUTING.




fuzzygit aims to ease the usage of common git commands by applying a simple interactive interface based on






