This module will track IP changes on AWS RDS instances and update a given (NLB) target-group with theses IP addresses.
Most of the python code comes from [1], inspired by [2]
| RDS Events subscription |
| _______ __________ ____________________
+------>| SNS |---->| Lambda |---->| NLB target-group |
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When invoked, the lambda function will:
- Lookup IP addresses from given FQDN list
- check target-group registered IPs (target health isn't taken into account)
- add/remove IP from target group so they match the FQDN list.
This terraform code doesn't create load-balancer resources nor its components (listener, target-group). You'll have to declare them separately
It basically replaces the function that aws_lb_target_group_attachment
resources holds when attaching to static ip addresses.