Docs are coming soon!
Right now this has to do it:
from PasswordCardGenerator import PasswordCard, save_card, load_card
keyword = "YourKeyword"
# Create a password card
card1 = PasswordCard(keyword_length=len(keyword))
# You can also just pass in the keyword
# You can also specify how long a segment should be (default is 3)
# PasswordCard(keyword_length=len(keyword), segment_length=5)
# incase you dont know what i mean with segment:
# | 1 | lfx | ...
# ^^^ this is an segment
# Print the password card
# Get the password for keyword
# save the password card as an image
# save the password card as plain text
# You can also save the card and load it
save_card(card1, "test.card")
x = load_card("test.card")
# You can get specific items
row = 2
column = 5
print(card1[row, column])
# You can get the raw data
There is also a GUI, but it is still in progress so don't expect anything
to use the gui type
python -m "PasswordCardGenerator.GUI"
python3 -m "PasswordCardGenerator.GUI"
You need a Keyword for a Password card to work!
To get the password you take one character at a time.
To get the row: Look in what row your character appears
To get the column: Look at what position your character is.
Then you take what is in [column] in [row] and put it on the end of the password
Do that for every character in your keyword, and you got yourself a secure password
| | ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQR | STU | VWX | ZY | . |
| 1 | 3T, | 2C8 | 2lk | ZMJ | br] | sPj | ,X1 | ZMq | IAp | LPG |
| 2 | h2R | ?XH | wng | UkQ | 7}g | }'j | TBg | hC3 | Hub | ?pA |
| 3 | GSI | r0z | rtm | n9N | OID | B6T | noV | P9n | g,k | ZRU |
| 4 | wVc | 1'? | K6N | kc% | EY} | ]8K | ImI | '[Z | Mv; | cd1 |
| 5 | nz# | h}a | pX6 | ?1; | D89 | F39 | rDU | 3l8 | n7T | 9Qq |
| 6 | U4x | H[j | ?Fe | tJi | Q.d | T!6 | .rx | _'s | YVh | q_' |
| 7 | Jyi | hyN | 73{ | {73 | Wez | %{C | IJ} | QVm | ipj | YK, |
| 8 | LlX | fYO | YUg | !ne | 1n{ | H{\ | 9_F | !?! | rbx | b#a |
Our keyword is: VerySafe
So we look in what row does V
, the first letter, appear in -> row VWX
Now we look at what position the V
, the first letter, is -> 1
So we append the 3 characters that are in row VWX
at 1
Our password right now is: ZMq
and repeat!
so we look in what row e
, the second letter, does appear in -> row DEF
now we look at what position the e
, the second letter, is -> 2
so we append the 3 characters that are in row DEF
at 2
Our password right now is: ZMq?XH
Our password right now is: ZMq?XHB6TMv;rDUU4xhyNfYO