- User can view list of Monsters from D&D 5e
- User can search, filter, & sort list
- User can add Monsters to an "Encounter"
- User can look at all the Monsters added, and view each one's stats quickly & succinctly
- User can click a button for each of a Monster's actions/attacks to roll the appropriate dice
- User sees the result of the roll & damage in a side-bar
- User can scroll through to view the previous results from the action history
- Done
link to google photos for each monsteradd rolls breakdown to action history - ex:2d6+4 = 5 + 2 + 4 = 11 piercing dmg
parse damage rolls a little better
- Now
- monster tile lengths are independant of one another
- Next
- while looking into new api, add a place to do rolls in header
- keyboard shortcut to get there
- while looking into new api, add a place to do rolls in header
- Later
- MonsterList shows more and more info as screen gets bigger
- style monsterlist to look more like table
- style actionHistory better
- style header better
- figure out nested-routing so that I can do master-detail when screen gets big enough
- Message Toast can be swiped away on touch screen
- hide scroll-bar (or at least style to make thinner and nicer looking)
- optimize performance
- load only some monsterListItems at begining, and load more when scroll to the bottom
- BUG: fix issue where sometimes site starts with 1st tab highlighted, but shows 2nd or 3rd tab in the view; something to do with it remembering where you last left off, but not applying the style changes to the tabs
- figure out multi-attacks
- filters & sorts in MonsterList
- turn order
- ability to 1/2 or *2 the damage on the fly (or maybe just manipulate in any way with the keyboard)
- user can login and save multiple encounters
- maybe no login, just use cookies, and only save one encounter?
- each saved encounter will only need to store a list of monster id's