Youtube pycharm
#1.string / age = 30, print("我的年纪" + str(age)) #2.integer(整数) / age = 50 #3.Float(浮点数) #gpa = 3.3 #print(f'#我的GPA为 {gpa} 分') #4.string #name = “DerenSunan” #print(f'我的名字是 {name} ') #5.boolean (true, false) #U_loveme = True #print(f'你喜欢我吗?{U_loveme}') #print(type(U_loveme)) from functools import total_ordering from gettext import install from tkinter.font import names
#6.type casting(类型转换)
#显性转换 and 隐性转换
#11.次方 pow(数学函数表示)
#16.if,else,elif(else if)控制流程
#计算机程式 练习if,else,elif(else if)
#17.逻辑运算符 and 和 not
#几个字元 len
#找到第一个空格 find
#验证使用者输入的合法性(你的使用者名称不能超过12个字元,不能包含空格,不能包含数字,如都符合显示 欢迎 + 使用者名称)
email = ""
#需要显示字符向左,向右,置中(<, >, ^)
#复利计算机(总金额=本金*(1+(利率/100)))**时间 amount = 0 rate = 0 time =0
while amount <= 0: amount = float(input("PLS enter your principal :")) if amount <= 0: print("The principal cannot be less than or equal to zero") print("Your principal is", amount)
while rate <= 0: rate = float(input("PLS enter rate percent:")) if rate <= 0: print("The rate cannot be less than or equal to zero") print("Your rate percent is", rate)
while time <= 0: time = int(input("PLS enter your holding period :")) if time <= 0: print("The period cannot be less than or equal to zero") print("Your holding period is", time)
#(总金额=本金*(1+(利率/100)))**时间 total_amount = amount * (1 + (rate / 100)) ** time profit = total_amount -amount
print("Your total amount is :", round(total_amount, 3)) print("Your profit is :", round(profit,3))