Added capability for Mushroom/Powder and Shovel/Ocarina to be carried simultaneously.
Mushroom, Powder, and Ocarina added to randomization pool.
Massive overhaul of a lot of the item locations, generally making things more permissive and removing softlocks.
Randomized Misery Mire and Turtle Rock medallion requirements.
Digging in random places will now give you pickups.
The Treasure Chest game will guaranteed give you its item on the second chest.
The Digging Game will guaranteed give you its item on the 15th dig.
Treasure Chest game and Digging Game added to randomization locations.
Bottles may now be found prefilled with items.
Bottle submenu now opens with X; use Y to change between bottles without opening submenu.
Credits updated to reflect what King Zora sold you.
Update checking logic updated.
Will no longer spawn in Dark World if you die in Dark World pre-Aga.
Fixed bottles not showing in inventory if gotten early.
Fixed HUD not updating for Silver Arrows.
Fixed Ganon warping more than once in teleport phase.
You can’t perform that action at this time.