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MikhailTymchukDX edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 2 revisions

CalendarExtender (demo)

The Calendar control extender can be attached to any ASP.NET TextBox control. It provides client-side date-picking functionality with a customizable date format and UI in a popup control.


Name Description
Animated Sets whether or not changing modes is animated. The default value is true
ClearTime Sets whether or not time should be cleared in edited date/time. The default value is false
CssClass The name of the Cascading Style Sheet class used to style the calendar.
DaysModeTitleFormat A format string used to display the Days Mode Title. The default value is MMMM, yyyy.
DefaultView The default view of the calender. The default value is Days.
EnabledOnClient Sets whether or not this behavior is available for the current element. The default value is true
EndDate The end date for a range.
FirstDayOfWeek The first day of the week. The default value is Default
Format A format string used to display the selected date. The default value is d
OnClientDateSelectionChanged A script that is executed when a new date is selected.
OnClientHidden A client script that is executed immediately after the calendar is hidden.
OnClientHiding A client script that is executed immediately before the calendar is hidden.
OnClientShowing A client script that is executed immediately before the calendar is displayed.
OnClientShown A client script that is executed immediately after the calendar is displayed.
PopupButtonID The ID of a control to show the calendar popup when clicked. If this value is not set, the calendar will pop up when the textbox receives focus.
PopupPosition The popup position of the calendar. The default value is BottomLeft.
SelectedDate The date that the calendar is initialized with.
StartDate The start date for a range.
TodaysDateFormat A format string used to display today's date. The default value is MMMM d, yyyy.

Client properties

Name Description
animated Sets whether or not changing modes is animated. The default is true
button The button to use to show the calendar (optional).
clearTime Determines whether or not time should be cleared in the edited date/time. The default is false
cssClass The name of a CSS class used to style the calendar. The default value is ajax__calendar
dayCell Gets a day cell at the specified row or column
daysModeTitleFormat A format string used to display Days Mode Title. The default value is MMMM, yyyy.
defaultView The default view of the calender. The default value is Days.
enabled Determines whether or not this behavior is available for the current element.
endDate The end date for a range.
firstDayOfWeek The first day of the week. The default value is Default
format A format string used to display the selected date. The default value is d
isOpen Determines whether or not the calendar is open. The default value is false
popupPosition The popup position of the calendar. The default is BottomLeft
selectedDate A date that the calendar is initialized with.
startDate The start date for the range.
todayButton The button used to select today's date.
todaysDate The date to use for "Today".
todaysDateFormat A format string used to display today's date. The default value is MMMM d, yyyy.
visibleDate The date currently visible in the calendar.

Client methods

Name Description
blur() Blurs the calendar.
focus() Focuses the calendar.
hide() Hides the calendar.
show() Shows the calendar.

Client events

Name Description
dateSelectionChanged Fires when calendar date selection is changed.
hidden Fires after the calendar is hidden.
hiding Fires when the calendar is being hidden.
showing Fires when the calendar is being shown.
shown Fires after the calendar is shown.

Client properties


A format string used to display the selected date. The default value is d

Getter name: get_format()
Setter name: set_format(value)


A format string used to display today's date. The default value is MMMM d, yyyy.

Getter name: get_todaysDateFormat()
Setter name: set_todaysDateFormat(value)


A format string used to display Days Mode Title. The default value is MMMM, yyyy.

Getter name: get_daysModeTitleFormat()
Setter name: set_daysModeTitleFormat(value)


The name of a CSS class used to style the calendar. The default value is ajax__calendar

Getter name: get_cssClass()
Setter name: set_cssClass(value)


Determines whether or not this behavior is available for the current element.

Getter name: get_enabled()
Setter name: set_enabled(value)


Sets whether or not changing modes is animated. The default is true

Getter name: get_animated()
Setter name: set_animated(value)


The button to use to show the calendar (optional).

Getter name: get_button()
Setter name: set_button(value)


A date that the calendar is initialized with.

Getter name: get_selectedDate()
Setter name: set_selectedDate(value)


The start date for the range.

Getter name: get_startDate()
Setter name: set_startDate(value)


The end date for a range.

Getter name: get_endDate()
Setter name: set_endDate(value)


The date currently visible in the calendar.

Getter name: get_visibleDate()
Setter name: set_visibleDate(value)


The date to use for "Today".

Getter name: get_todaysDate()
Setter name: set_todaysDate(value)


The first day of the week. The default value is Default

Getter name: get_firstDayOfWeek()
Setter name: set_firstDayOfWeek(value)


The button used to select today's date.

Getter name: get_todayButton()


The popup position of the calendar. The default is BottomLeft

Getter name: get_popupPosition()
Setter name: set_popupPosition(value)


The default view of the calender. The default value is Days.

Getter name: get_defaultView()
Setter name: set_defaultView(value)


Determines whether or not the calendar is open. The default value is false

Getter name: get_isOpen()


Determines whether or not time should be cleared in the edited date/time. The default is false

Getter name: get_clearTime()
Setter name: set_clearTime(value)


Gets a day cell at the specified row or column

Getter name: get_dayCell()

Client methods


Shows the calendar.


Hides the calendar.


Focuses the calendar.


Blurs the calendar.

Client events


Fires when the calendar is being shown.

Add event handler method: add_showing(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_showing(handler)
Raise event method: raise_showing()


Fires after the calendar is shown.

Add event handler method: add_shown(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_shown(handler)
Raise event method: raise_shown()


Fires when the calendar is being hidden.

Add event handler method: add_hiding(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hiding(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hiding()


Fires after the calendar is hidden.

Add event handler method: add_hidden(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hidden(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hidden()


Fires when calendar date selection is changed.

Add event handler method: add_dateSelectionChanged(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_dateSelectionChanged(handler)
Raise event method: raise_dateSelectionChanged()

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