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MikhailTymchukDX edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 3 revisions

Demo Page

SlideShow is an extender that targets image controls and dynamically shows each image for a certain amount of time.


Name Description
AutoPlay Setting this to true will play the slideshow automatically on render
ContextKey User/page specific context provided to an optional overload of the web method described by ServiceMethod/ServicePath
Remarks: If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of the string type
ImageDescriptionLabelID ID of Label describing the current picture
ImageHeight Height of the image container to animate slides smoothly from up to down or down to up
ImageTitleLabelID ID of Label displaying the current picture's title
ImageWidth Width of the image container to animate slides smoothly from left to right or right to left
Loop Setting this to true will allow you to view images in a round-robin fashion
NextButtonID ID of the button that will allow you to see the next picture
PlayButtonID ID of the button that will allow you to play/stop the slideshow
PlayButtonText The text to be shown in the play button to play the slideshow
PlayInterval An interval in milliseconds between slide transitions in play mode
PreviousButtonID ID of the button that will allow you to see the previous picture
SlideShowAnimationType Type of animation used on changing from one slide to another
Remarks: If you set SlideShowAnimationType to either SlideDown or SlideRight, then you must set both the Height and Width properties on the Image control being extended by the SlideShow extender
SlideShowServiceMethod The webservice method that will be called to supply images
SlideShowServicePath The path to the webservice that the extender will pull the images from
StopButtonText The text to be shown in the play button to stop the slideshow
UseContextKey Whether or not the ContextKey property should be used
Remarks: This will be automatically enabled if the ContextKey property is ever set (on either the client or the server). If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of the string type

Client properties

Name Description
autoPlay Setting it to true will play the slideshow automatically on render
contextKey User/page specific context provided to an optional overload of the web method described by ServiceMethod/ServicePath
imageDescriptionLabelID ID of Label describing the current picture
imageHeight Height of the image container to animate slides smoothly from up to down or down to up
imageTitleLabelID ID of Label displaying the current picture's title
imageWidth Width of the image container to animate slides smoothly from left to right or right to left
loop Setting it to true will allow displaying pictures in cycle
nextButtonID ID of the button that will allow you to see the next picture
playButtonID ID of the button that will allow you to play/stop the slideshow
playButtonText The text to be shown in the play button to play the slideshow
playInterval An interval in milliseconds between slide transitions in play mode
previousButtonID ID of the button that will allow you to see the previous picture
slideShowAnimationType Type of animation used on changing one slide to another
slideShowServiceMethod The webservice method that will be called to supply images
slideShowServicePath The path to the webservice that the extender will pull the images from
stopButtonText The text to be shown in the play button to stop the slideshow
useContextKey Whether or not the ContextKey property should be used

Client methods

Name Description
controlsSetup() Gets handles to various slideshow controls if specified
resetButtons() Maintains various button states
resetSlideShowButtonState() Maintains the play button state to reflect whether the slideshow is in play mode
setCurrentImage() Maintains a slideshow current image
setCurrentSlide() Maintains a slideshow current slide
setImage(value) Sets a slideshow image
supportsAnimation(animationName) Whether a slideshow supports a given animation name
updateImage(value) Updates a slideshow current image

Client events

Name Description
slideChanged Fires when a slide changes
slideChanging Fires when a slide begins to change

Client properties


Setting it to true will play the slideshow automatically on render

Getter name: get_autoPlay()
Setter name: set_autoPlay(value)


User/page specific context provided to an optional overload of the web method described by ServiceMethod/ServicePath

Remarks: If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of the string type

Getter name: get_contextKey()
Setter name: set_contextKey(value)


ID of Label describing the current picture

Getter name: get_imageDescriptionLabelID()
Setter name: set_imageDescriptionLabelID(value)


Height of the image container to animate slides smoothly from up to down or down to up

Getter name: get_imageHeight()
Setter name: set_imageHeight(value)


ID of Label displaying the current picture's title

Getter name: get_imageTitleLabelID()
Setter name: set_imageTitleLabelID(value)


Width of the image container to animate slides smoothly from left to right or right to left

Getter name: get_imageWidth()
Setter name: set_imageWidth(value)


Setting it to true will allow displaying pictures in cycle

Getter name: get_loop()
Setter name: set_loop(value)


ID of the button that will allow you to see the next picture

Getter name: get_nextButtonID()
Setter name: set_nextButtonID(value)


ID of the button that will allow you to play/stop the slideshow

Getter name: get_playButtonID()
Setter name: set_playButtonID(value)


The text to be shown in the play button to play the slideshow

Getter name: get_playButtonText()
Setter name: set_playButtonText(value)


An interval in milliseconds between slide transitions in play mode

Getter name: get_playInterval()
Setter name: set_playInterval(value)


ID of the button that will allow you to see the previous picture

Getter name: get_previousButtonID()
Setter name: set_previousButtonID(value)


Type of animation used on changing one slide to another

Remarks: If you set SlideShowAnimationType to either SlideDown or SlideRight, then you must set both the Height and Width properties on the Image control being extended by the SlideShow extender

Getter name: get_slideShowAnimationType()
Setter name: set_slideShowAnimationType(value)


The webservice method that will be called to supply images

Getter name: get_slideShowServiceMethod()
Setter name: set_slideShowServiceMethod(value)


The path to the webservice that the extender will pull the images from

Getter name: get_slideShowServicePath()
Setter name: set_slideShowServicePath(value)


The text to be shown in the play button to stop the slideshow

Getter name: get_stopButtonText()
Setter name: set_stopButtonText(value)


Whether or not the ContextKey property should be used

Remarks: This will be automatically enabled if the ContextKey property is ever set (on either the client or the server). If the context key is used, it should have the same signature with an additional parameter named contextKey of the string type

Getter name: get_useContextKey()
Setter name: set_useContextKey(value)

Client methods


Gets handles to various slideshow controls if specified


Maintains various button states


Maintains the play button state to reflect whether the slideshow is in play mode


Maintains a slideshow current image


Maintains a slideshow current slide


Sets a slideshow image


  • value
    • Type: Slide
    • Description: Image to set


Whether a slideshow supports a given animation name


  • animationName
    • Type: String
    • Description: Name of the animation


Updates a slideshow current image


  • value
    • Type: Slide
    • Description: Image to update

Client events


Fires when a slide changes

Add event handler method: add_slideChanged(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_slideChanged(handler)
Raise event method: raise_slideChanged()


Fires when a slide begins to change

Add event handler method: add_slideChanging(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_slideChanging(handler)
Raise event method: raise_slideChanging()

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