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MikhailTymchukDX edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 4 revisions

PasswordStrength (demo)

PasswordStrength is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached to an ASP.NET TextBox control used for the entry of passwords. The PasswordStrength extender shows the strength of the password in the TextBox and updates itself as a user types the password.


Name Description
BarBorderCssClass A CSS class applied to the bar indicator's border when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator
BarIndicatorCssClass A CSS class applied to the bar indicator's inner bar when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator
CalculationWeightings A list of semi-colon separated numeric values used to determine the weight of password strength's characteristic.
Remarks: There must be 4 values specified which must total 100. The default weighting values are defined as 50;15;15;20. This corresponds to password length is 50% of the strength calculation, Numeric criteria is 15% of strength calculation, casing criteria is 15% of calculation, and symbol criteria is 20% of calculation. So the format is 'A;B;C;D' where A = length weighting, B = numeric weighting, C = casing weighting, D = symbol weighting.
DisplayPosition Positioning of the strength indicator relative to the target control
HelpHandleCssClass A CSS class applied to the help element used to display a dialog box describing password requirements
Remarks: This is used so that the user can click on this image and get a display on what is required to make the password strong according to the current properties
HelpHandlePosition Positioning of the help handle element relative to the target control
HelpStatusLabelID Control ID of the label used to display help text
MinimumLowerCaseCharacters A minimum number of lowercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations
Remarks: Only in effect if RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true. The default value is 0 which means this property is not in effect and there is no minimum limit.
MinimumNumericCharacters Minimum number of numeric characters
Remarks: If there are less than this property, then the password is not considered strong. If there are equal to or more than this value, then this will contribute 15% to the overall password strength percentage value.
MinimumSymbolCharacters Minimum number of symbol characters (ex. $ ^ *)
Remarks: If there are less than this property, then the password is not considered strong. If there are equal to or more than this value, then this will contribute 15% to the overall password strength percentage value.
MinimumUpperCaseCharacters Minimum number of uppercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations.
Remarks: Only in effect if RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true. The default value is 0 which means this property is not in effect and there is no minimum limit.
PreferredPasswordLength Preferred length of the password
Remarks: Passwords could be less than this amount but wont reach the 100% calculation if less than this count. This is used to calculate 50% of the percentage strength of the password Ideally, a password should be 20 characters in length to be a strong password.
PrefixText Text prefixed to the display text when StrengthIndicatorType=Text
RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters Specifies whether mixed case characters are required
Remarks: Determines if mixed case passwords are required to be considered strong. If true, then there must be at least one occurrence of mixed case (upper and lower) letters in the password to be considered strong. If there is, this will contribute 20% to the overall password strength percentage value.
StrengthIndicatorType Strength indicator type (Text or BarIndicator)
Remarks: BarIndicator - progress bar indicating password strength Text - low, medium, high or excellent
StrengthStyles List of semi-colon separated CSS classes that are used depending on the password's strength.
Remarks: This property will override the BarIndicatorCssClass / TextIndicatorCssClass property if present. The BarIndicatorCssClass / TextIndicatorCssClass property differs in that it attributes one CSS style to the BarIndicator or Text Strength indicator (depending on which type is chosen) regardless of password strength. This property will cause the style to change based on the password strength and also to the number of styles specified in this property. For example, if 2 styles are defined like StrengthStyles="style1;style2" then style1 is applied when the password strength is less than 50%, and style2 is applied when password strength is >= 50%. This property can have up to 10 styles.
TextCssClass CSS class applied to the text display when StrengthIndicatorType=Text
TextStrengthDescriptions List of semi-colon separated descriptions used when StrengthIndicatorType=Text (Minimum of 2, maximum of 10; order is weakest to strongest)
Remarks: Example: None;Weak;Medium;Strong;Excellent
TextStrengthDescriptionStyles A semi-colon delimited string that specifies the styles applicable to each string descriptions for the password strength when using a textual display
Remarks: Deprecated. Use StrengthStyles instead

Client properties

Name Description
barBorderCssClass CSS class applied to the bar indicator's border when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator
barIndicatorCssClass CSS class applied to the bar indicator's inner bar when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator
calculationWeightings List of semi-colon separated numeric values used to determine the weighting of a strength characteristic.
displayPosition Positioning of the strength indicator relative to the target control
helpHandleCssClass CSS class applied to the help element used to display a dialog box describing the password requirements
helpHandlePosition Positioning of the help handle element relative to the target control
helpStatusLabelID Control ID of the label used to display help text
helpText Help text to show
minimumLowerCaseCharacters Minimum number of lowercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations
minimumNumericCharacters Minimum number of numeric characters
minimumSymbolCharacters Minimum number of symbol characters (ex. $ ^ *)
minimumUpperCaseCharacters Minimum number of uppercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations.
preferredPasswordLength Preferred length of the password
prefixText Text prefixed to the display text when StrengthIndicatorType=Text
requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters Specifies whether mixed case characters are required
strengthIndicatorType Strength indicator type (Text or BarIndicator)
strengthStyles List of semi-colon separated CSS classes that are used depending on the password's strength.
textCssClass CSS class applied to the text display when StrengthIndicatorType=Text
textStrengthDescriptions List of semi-colon separated descriptions used when StrengthIndicatorType=Text (Minimum of 2, maximum of 10; order is weakest to strongest)
TextStrengthDescriptionStyles A semi-colon delimited string that specifies the styles applicable to each string descriptions for the password strength when using a textual display

Client properties


Preferred length of the password

Remarks: Passwords could be less than this amount but wont reach the 100% calculation if less than this count. This is used to calculate 50% of the percentage strength of the password Ideally, a password should be 20 characters in length to be a strong password.

Getter name: get_preferredPasswordLength()
Setter name: set_preferredPasswordLength(value)


Minimum number of numeric characters

Remarks: If there are less than this property, then the password is not considered strong. If there are equal to or more than this value, then this will contribute 15% to the overall password strength percentage value.

Getter name: get_minimumNumericCharacters()
Setter name: set_minimumNumericCharacters(value)


Minimum number of symbol characters (ex. $ ^ *)

Remarks: If there are less than this property, then the password is not considered strong. If there are equal to or more than this value, then this will contribute 15% to the overall password strength percentage value.

Getter name: get_minimumSymbolCharacters()
Setter name: set_minimumSymbolCharacters(value)


Specifies whether mixed case characters are required

Remarks: Determines if mixed case passwords are required to be considered strong. If true, then there must be at least one occurrence of mixed case (upper and lower) letters in the password to be considered strong. If there is, this will contribute 20% to the overall password strength percentage value.

Getter name: get_requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters()
Setter name: set_requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters(value)


CSS class applied to the text display when StrengthIndicatorType=Text

Getter name: get_textCssClass()
Setter name: set_textCssClass(value)


CSS class applied to the bar indicator's border when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator

Getter name: get_barBorderCssClass()
Setter name: set_barBorderCssClass(value)


CSS class applied to the bar indicator's inner bar when StrengthIndicatorType=BarIndicator

Getter name: get_barIndicatorCssClass()
Setter name: set_barIndicatorCssClass(value)


Positioning of the strength indicator relative to the target control

Getter name: get_displayPosition()
Setter name: set_displayPosition(value)


Text prefixed to the display text when StrengthIndicatorType=Text

Getter name: get_prefixText()
Setter name: set_prefixText(value)


Strength indicator type (Text or BarIndicator)

Remarks: BarIndicator - progress bar indicating password strength Text - low, medium, high or excellent

Getter name: get_strengthIndicatorType()
Setter name: set_strengthIndicatorType(value)


List of semi-colon separated descriptions used when StrengthIndicatorType=Text (Minimum of 2, maximum of 10; order is weakest to strongest)

Remarks: Example: None;Weak;Medium;Strong;Excellent

Getter name: get_textStrengthDescriptions()
Setter name: set_textStrengthDescriptions(value)


List of semi-colon separated CSS classes that are used depending on the password's strength.

Remarks: This property will override the BarIndicatorCssClass / TextIndicatorCssClass property if present. The BarIndicatorCssClass / TextIndicatorCssClass property differs in that it attributes one CSS style to the BarIndicator or Text Strength indicator (depending on which type is chosen) regardless of password strength. This property will cause the style to change based on the password strength and also to the number of styles specified in this property. For example, if 2 styles are defined like StrengthStyles="style1;style2" then style1 is applied when the password strength is less than 50%, and style2 is applied when password strength is >= 50%. This property can have up to 10 styles.

Getter name: get_strengthStyles()
Setter name: set_strengthStyles(value)


A semi-colon delimited string that specifies the styles applicable to each string descriptions for the password strength when using a textual display

Remarks: Deprecated. Use StrengthStyles instead

Getter name: get_TextStrengthDescriptionStyles()
Setter name: set_TextStrengthDescriptionStyles(value)


CSS class applied to the help element used to display a dialog box describing the password requirements

Remarks: This is used so that the user can click on this image and get a display on what is required to make the password strong according to the current properties

Getter name: get_helpHandleCssClass()
Setter name: set_helpHandleCssClass(value)


Positioning of the help handle element relative to the target control

Getter name: get_helpHandlePosition()
Setter name: set_helpHandlePosition(value)


List of semi-colon separated numeric values used to determine the weighting of a strength characteristic.

Remarks: There must be 4 values specified which must total 100. The default weighting values are defined as 50;15;15;20. This corresponds to password length is 50% of the strength calculation, Numeric criteria is 15% of strength calculation, casing criteria is 15% of calculation, and symbol criteria is 20% of calculation. So the format is 'A;B;C;D' where A = length weighting, B = numeric weighting, C = casing weighting, D = symbol weighting.

Getter name: get_calculationWeightings()
Setter name: set_calculationWeightings(value)


Help text to show

Getter name: get_helpText()
Setter name: set_helpText(value)


Minimum number of lowercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations

Remarks: Only in effect if RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true. The default value is 0 which means this property is not in effect and there is no minimum limit.

Getter name: get_minimumLowerCaseCharacters()
Setter name: set_minimumLowerCaseCharacters(value)


Minimum number of uppercase characters required when requiring mixed case characters as part of your password strength considerations.

Remarks: Only in effect if RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters property is true. The default value is 0 which means this property is not in effect and there is no minimum limit.

Getter name: get_minimumUpperCaseCharacters()
Setter name: set_minimumUpperCaseCharacters(value)


Control ID of the label used to display help text

Getter name: get_helpStatusLabelID()
Setter name: set_helpStatusLabelID(value)

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