A note to students and employers
This is an Intern Project. What that means is that it is structure to look like what an intern might receive on the job. You will find in this document:
- Design files of what the project should look like
- Requirements, separated by day, of what the project should be able to do.
That is all. You will receive no instructions.
Your mentors have been asked to provide only minimal guidance. They can point you in the right direction, but cannot help you code. Similar to how an intern might receive guidance. This project is a chance for you to combine and showcase the skills you've learned so far.
With this guidance only structure we believe this project will showcase what you can do as an individual at this point of the program. Because of this we feel this project will be worth putting in your portfolio.
Good luck and work hard!
Jeremy Robertson
Director, Web @ DevMountain
These are located in the images folder in this project.
Bottom Nav
- Navigation is controlled at the bottom of the screen
- User can navigate between
View Friends
Find Friends
andUpdate Profile
- Currently focused 'page' is underlined
Entry View
- Entry view is seen when the user first enters the application
- User is prompted to add data when the first enter the application
- User can add Full-name, tagline, bio, and profile pic URL
- User can save changes
- After saving changes user is taken to the Landing Page
- Entry View looks like provided screen shots
Landing Page
- User sees their name
- User sees their tagline
- User sees their bio
Update Profile
- User can change their fullname, tagline, profile pic, and bio
Use two services for this day. One to track people and one to track friends. Use local storage to keep track of the data.
Friends View
- User can search for existing friends
- Friends list updates based on search criteria
- Hovering over a friend displays the friend name and
View Profile
as seen in the design. - User can select a friend by hovering then selecting View Profile
- Page navigates to friend profile View when
View Profile
is clicked
- Page navigates to friend profile View when
Friend Profile View
- User can view friend: name, tagline, bio, and profile image
- User can navigate using the back button back to friends view
- Add Friend Button
- Says
Add Friend
if person is not your friend already- Adds that person to your friend list
- Says
Remove Friend
if person is your friend- Removes that person to your friend list
- Says
Find Friends View
- User can search people (not friends) by name
- Hovering over a person displays the person name and
View Profile
as seen in the design. - User can select a person by hovering then selecting View Profile
- Page navigates to friend profile View when
View Profile
is clicked
- Page navigates to friend profile View when
There are no new visuals and pages to add, but currently all our data is stored locally. Use the following to POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE user profiles and friends:
Base Url:
All profiles are stored with this structure that you must match when saving:
name: ,
tagline: ,
bio: ,
profileUrl: ,
friends: [friendId]
This is a 'challenge' item. To push above and beyond. It is not included in the design specs.
- Add the ability to browse through a friends friends and add them to your friends.